form ETA not certified !


New Member
due to employer not begining the recluitment period or filling the aplication whithin the prevailing wage determination period this aplication is denied . more specifically, neither the earliest dati listed for a recluitment step on ETA form 9089, 08/25/2008 listed on I.C6 nor the date the aplication was filed , 02/19/2009 fall whitin the prevailing wage determination validity period of 07/22/2008 to 01/22/2008. this indicates the employer did not beggin recluitment, nor file the aplication during the prevailing wage determination period; therefore this aplication is denied .

so this mean my employer did not did what he was supposed to do right ? and my question is , what can i do next or my boss cuz i have no idea , or is a lost case ?