Forgot to Drop I-94


New Member

My wife left last week for India and in chaos at the airport she forgot to drop the I-94 nor did any one ask from her. Please advise on this issue would it be a problem when she is coming back ? . Is there anything I cna do to have her come back smoothly.

Thanx for the help.
Expired I-94

I am in an interesting bind. Last time I came back from India, the immigration official put an incorrect date on my I-94 card. He looked at my H1B fo my old company and put the expiration date on the I-94 according to this. He overlooked the fact that my current H1B had a an expiration date for much later. At the time, I did not notice this error, but just as I was getting ready to file my I485, my attorneys informed me that I was out of status because of the I94 date and that I have to get into status before I can do that. According to them, the only way I can do this is my leaving the country ( out of North America) and come back in again. Is anybody aware of any other way of getting the date corrected on my I94?
Sumit Nijhawan
No Title

If you got second H1 from another company in USA you should have I94 along with that H1 itself . You should be able to use that.
No Title

It will be a PROBLEM.Whenever U enter USA, the Port of Entry Officer will check for Ur Arrival/Departure records.If they don\'t find ur previous Departure record,they will question U as how did u leave the country? The best bet is call up INS and inform them about it.
Apply for new I-94

If you have simply lost your I-94, apply for it with the INS, by providing the evidence of status as required.
Not a problem !!!

It is a problem that you did not return the I-94 for whatever reason, but it is not a problem if yousimply come back with the I-94 that was not returned. They will take it from you then, update the computer (carry some proof, like boarding pass from departure, stamp of entry at the destination country, or even the ticket, etc. to show the day you left the US), and then they will issue the new I-94. Make sure that the new I-94 reflects your current valid status.