Forgot Photos with AP Supporting Documents --- Please HELP


Registered Users (C)
I forgot photos while mailing my Supporting Documents after efiling Advance Parole. PLEASE HELP WHAT TO DO NOW>

SHould I just send the photos in a new packet right a way.

MY IN-laws met with an accident in india. One of them died and other is serious. this is emergency. My brother in law is sending me emergency fax from doctor. should i directly go to the milwaukee office to get the emergency advance parole..
You can walk in to the local INS office, but not sure now they are allowing any walk-in's. Take the doctor certificate and your new application with Photos, if the officer is convinced thye will issue you the AP same day.
I went to Milwaukee office but they said they stopped issuing emergency advance parole. They said me to mail letter to NSC for expedite processing

Has anyone got advance parole on the same day anywhere..please reply immediately. I am really in need. Please help
dwl800 said:
I went to Milwaukee office but they said they stopped issuing emergency advance parole. They said me to mail letter to NSC for expedite processing

Has anyone got advance parole on the same day anywhere..please reply immediately. I am really in need. Please help

I have got Emergency advance Parole on the same day but that was in january, 2005. I showed the emergency cause letter back from home and the officer gave Emergency Advance Parole for 3 months. But they charged fee again.

One thing that could helpl you is to get a letter from your GC lawyer explaining the situation. I did this, not sure that helped or not.

Each USCIS office/officer/time of day are different. We simply do not have any control.
MY IN-laws met with an accident in india. One of them died and other is serious. this is emergency. My brother in law is sending me emergency fax from doctor. should i directly go to the milwaukee office to get the emergency advance parole..

My friend and his family got emergency (AP) at TSC last year, when his father expired. His brother faxed some information (death certificate) to him. He showed that and his I-485 receipt notice and they issed the AP for 3 months.
The Milwaukee office said that they stopped issuing emergency travel document. I dont know what to do. I contacted my senators office in Milwaukee and they said that they were going to fax to NSC for my pending I-131.

I dont know how the Milwaukee officeers can be so rude. I showed them everythign. Actually I was even crying becasue I was not able to control myself.
I am so mad at them

Thanks for your help guys.
dwl800 said:
I forgot photos while mailing my Supporting Documents after efiling Advance Parole. PLEASE HELP WHAT TO DO NOW>

SHould I just send the photos in a new packet right a way.

MY IN-laws met with an accident in india. One of them died and other is serious. this is emergency. My brother in law is sending me emergency fax from doctor. should i directly go to the milwaukee office to get the emergency advance parole..