Foreign Visitor Visa changes. Actions please!


Registered Users (C)
For many working APAs whose parents live abroad, a lengthy visit by
their parents every few years is the only viable option for FAMILY

     That option will no longer be available to you in the NEW
immigration policy. In the past such a visa was for "a minimum of 6
months." Now it will normally be for 30 days only. See

     The proposed new immigration policy aims to deter terrorism.
Many are thoughtful provisions. However, some changes may be
flawed. Hence, our Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and
the Sate Department are requesting public comments on the proposed
changes until May 6. To comment on the proposed changes, you need
to provide a reference number (INS no. 2176-01), when you are
communicating with the INS. There are several ways:

(1) Write in triplicate (one original and two copies) to:

Policy Directives and Instructions Branch,
425 I Street, N.W., Room 4034,
Washington, D.C., 20536
Attention: Public Comment Clerk, and /or

(2) E-mail to . You may also want to let the relevant
officials in the Legislative Division of the Visa Services Section of the
State Department know of your concerns by carbon-copying the
following two e-mail addresses: and

                           SAMPLE e-mail/ letter:

Reference: INS Number 2176-01

Dear Director:

My parents are xx and yy years of age. They live in (Korea, India,
Vietnam, China, ..). After saving money for x years for their trip to the
US, I was hoping that they will be with my family for at least six
months. The new policy may cut it down to 30 days.

Please consider the importance of FAMILY UNION as we combat

If the norms of family life of many US citizens can be adversely affected
because of a flawed provision in our new policy, then the terrorists
would have won twice over.


Job Title, (optional)
Home Address (optional but strongly advised)

     Don\'t bother composing a great letter. Ultimately, it is the volume
of the opposing e-mails/ letters that matters. On the other hand, don\'t
just copy the sample letter, it may carry less weight. Briefly state your
own reason.