Foreign Physical Therapist needs help


New Member
I'm a Brazilian trained Physical Therapist (PT) and I lived in the US for 2,5 years until last December (12/08). I have my credentials evaluated and I just need to take the board test to become a licensed PT on the state of NY.

But since I was under a F2 visa and I worked (on a PT clinic, on a catering company and on a coffee shop during my stay) I need to know if there's anything that I should do in order to guarantee my re entrance in the US.

I also want to know what's the next step to get a work visa.

Thanks in advance.
You worked illegally - in violation of your F2 statue. Illegal work is a serious problem for visa processing and immigration. Be sure you have paid your taxes and do not lie about your illegal acts; lying has far more serious consequences in the long run.

You need a lawyer.