Foreign passport Expiring soon? Please help!


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Ok, husband and I are going to the Bahamas for 5 days at the end of the month and I just looked at my passport and realized that my foreign passport is expiring on Dec 5th 2009. I contacted the foreign embassy of my nationality in NYC (which is about 7hrs from where I live) and they said it usually takes more than 14 business days to renew a passport but I don't have enough time for that. Will I still be able to travel with a passport that has only 2 months left? Has anyone ever had the same issue?

Just an update in case someone encounters the same issue in the future with their passport. At every airport, the ticketing ladies reminded me that my passport was expiring soon but didn't raise any further issue. And the immigration & Customs at the airport in the Bahamas didn't seem to care since my trip was for only 5 days. So I guess a valid passport is a valid passport. :)
You have to check. Many countries have reciprocal arrangements so that you can travel right up to the date of expiration on your passport (i.e. the passport is automatically considered valid for 6 months after the official expiration date).