For Those Stamped PP in Arlington Recently!!!!!!

Jet Li

Registered Users (C)
Hi rapnpop, Justwaiting, and other who stamped their PP from Arilington recently,
Could you please tell a little detail of waiting outside the building before 7:30am: by the time the door is open, approximately how many people were in the line? Did it reach daily quota 150 people?
Is it true that there is a daily quota of 150 people?
Is there rest room outside the INS building in case the cold weather caused some \'emergency\' suituation before the door open at 7:30am?
Thanks in advance!
No restrooms near by

At 6.30 there were 70 people before me in the line. And behind me the line length increased very rapidly. I have no idea about the 150 limit. Since you have seen the building, waiting is completely outside before 7.30 No rest rooms outside, my son needs to go to mens room when we were in the line. We followed typical Indian style, by taking him to near by bushes and asked him to refresh.

Door opens at 7.30, there is a metal detector as soon as pass the door. Take elevator go to 2nd floor, room no 210. There are 2 lines there, you need to stand in line B. There was a counter there, where you get your token. The guy at the counter asked me what is the case. I said 485 approved, came for passport stamping. He asked my passport, approval notice, EAD, AP and I-94\'s. That\'s it. He stapled all the things together and gave the token. (3 tokens in serial for me, wife and son). This part is done by 8.15

Then you need to wait for you token. We waited around 2 hr 40 min. When our token number shown on the display, we went to counter and gave the papers (The paper that are stapled before). He took finger print and 2 signatures and he put the stamp on the passport. He asked me what address should I receive the cards. Since we are moving end of this month, I gave my friends address. Then he said congratulations, you can work and travel... blah...

Note that we never filled any application there. Even I wrote my friends address on a piece of paper, which he stapled it to the approval.

No food inside the waiting room, but there are rest rooms though..

My suggestion, go around 6 am and you will be done by 10 am.

Good luck