For students with an I-20 (and commute to school), how long can they stay in the US?


New Member
Here is the situation, let's say you have an I-20 with commuter status (which pretty much means you live in either Mexico or Canada and attend a school in the United States, presumably near the border), are you allowed to actually live in the United States (with a friend, for example) even though your permanent and actual residence is in your country of citizenship.

Here's an example:

Let's say you live in Chatham, Ontario, Canada and you were accepted/granted an I-20 commuter student (F1) to attend Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, USA...are you allowed to stay in a house or apartment owned by a relative for, say, 3 months at a time?

You'd also not be violating any of the laws under your status, which means you will live there most of the time (because of school) but you will not work, intern, etc?

If YOU ARE, how long can you stay?
If YOU CAN NOT, then how would this be different than a regular Canadian citizen with a passport staying at a Condo in Florida for 6 months?

Thanks for your help!