for ned kelly, perionders /all -QNS : changing job after stamping


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Is it o.k if one change job after getting passport stamped. How long does one have to work for sponsering employer after stamping.
I saw your answers to IBM Vs 485 questions. Any thoughts on this appreciated
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Since new regulations have not been issued by the INS regarding AC21, it is probably safe to wait about 3 months before switching, even though there is no "magic number"....
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My lawyer told me to ignore S2045 as regulations are not expected until Mar 2001. He also told me under no circumstances should I change jobs less than 30 days after I485 approval date (PP stamping and receipt of GC dates are irrelevant, I485 approval date is the important one). He said trying to convince an immigration judge that I had permanent intent to stay with my employer will not stand up if I leave before 30 days. However, he recommended that I stay at least 3 months. So my advice to you is the same....stay at least 3 months after the I485 approval date.
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My lawer told me that although there is no clear answer, in the past INS has indicated that staying two months with the sponsoring employer is enough. I intend to stay more than three though.
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I have seen couple of my collegues move to a different employer just a month after getting the stamp on PP. They have not had any problems.
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No problems...yet! However, if they need to make contact with the INS again (e.g. replacement green card, citizenship application) their bio\'s will be reviewed at that time. Anyone can leave and claim they haven\'t had a problem - but they can\'t predict the future.
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Why 3 months? Has INS ever checked anybody\'s employment status within 3 months upon approval of I-485?
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2 months is far...far from "permanent" intention. INS has never had a right concept of time. No wonder some guys who submitted their I-485 in the past few months have already got their figerprinting notice, while other have been waiting for FP for more than one and half year.
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Apparently after 3 months the burden of disproving/proving immigration fraud shifts from you to the INS. Don\'t expect them to even bother to try - they\'ve got enough on their plate to deal with.