For IBM101 Re: International adoption


Registered Users (C)

Like you, we are waiting to start our adoption process from India. I have a question about NRI adoption and was wondering if you were NRI as well and wanting to pursue adoption from India.

In any case, my question is this. We had heard that it is better for NRIs to have one spouse to be an Indian Citizen to get a quicker referral from Indian adoption agencies/orphanages. Due to a typo on my husband's GC and it taking forever to correct, I was the one who applied for US citizenship. I am waiting for my oath letter. However, it is becoming apparent that due to the nature of my husband's work, it is preferable if he has a US citizenship. We are considering him applying for it shortly. The big dilemma is - are we hurting ourselves in the referral duration by doing this? We could start the adoption process as soon as I get my citizenship, but by the time we are in the process for a referral, if hubby's citizenship comes through, what do we do?

In addition to all this, I am not sure what the new CARA rules will do to the length of the process - but thats a worry for another day.

Any insight is most appreciated. Good luck to your family (and mine!) in our quest for parenthood!
Hi Moxie:

I am a NRI as well. As u r aware that we r waiting for our oath from 1.5 yrs now nothing much can be done. However, I have collected all the info.

Your Qs regarding ur hubby's citizenship will not hurt you in anyway. The CARA is quite organized however, I am not sure whether u r aware that there is a waiting line for adoption as well in India. I am not sure which part of US u r in. Me in the Bayarea and talking to a CARA local rep. I came to know that if anyone of ur spouse is an Indian citizen adoption becomes easy however, wait for a child still exists as the Indian government prefers the local nationals first for adoption coz' they r in line.

I may suggest that if u r an Indian too u go for urself and locate the child ofcourse by the help of local adoption agencies (in India)and do the paper-work. The paper-work in India may not go as smooth unless you really pursue.

In another scenario if u r not an Indian citizen you can take the help of CARA in US which is a lenghty process taking 12 months to 24 months coz' CARA takes time to find a child for u. The money is humongous too ranging from somewhere 12000 to 15000$ for one child.

In my opinion you meet a local CARA rep, find out the details and go from there. If u need any assistance I can be of help to u provided we talk in private.

Good luck to u too in parenthood. I simply wish urs as well as mine Oath comes in soon and we start a process of adoption. Chow!
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