Following to Join...Step by Step.


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I have been a regular visitor of this forum and have gained tremendous support and advice from the other folks.

There is however a very litte information about follow-to-join procedure. So, I think it is my time to contribute...

My wifes case was approved today at Delhi consulate and here are the inputs:

- I applied for my 485 in Nov'01.
- I got EAD and AP after 6 months.
- I got married in April'03.
- I got my GC approved in July'03.
- I applied for my wifes I-824 in August'03.
- Got the 824 reciept from VSC, telling me it will take 180-999 days for approval.
- Once I got the 824 receipt notice, I send all the papers (DS230 I and II, Affidavit of support, origional I824 and orgional 485 approval notice (courtesy copy), bank statement, letter of employment, recent pay stubs, marriage certificate etc).
- Case created by New Delhi consulate in Oct'03.
- Interview was scheduled on 1st Dec'03.
- Recieve packet4, get the medical done etc in first week Nov'03.
- Wife goes for the interview and was out within less then an hour.
- People in consulate were very co-operative and understood the situation. She was not asked anything except for the regular questions.

The whole time, right from applying for 824 (which still says it will take another 999 days for approval) till getting approved is about 4 months.

I am glad to say that during all this time "New Delhi consulate was very-very responsive".

congratulations...I think Madras consulate is not at all responsive. I got my GC approved in March,03. And i applied for FTJ in August'03 after i received my physical "Green Card". I did not apply for 824 instead i sent all the papers (you listed) to madras except DS230 part I and II. And they are telling me that its going to take 5-6 months just ot create the case.

Could you let me know if there is any way i can speed up this process?

congrats again

Chennai does not accept AC copies.

That is what I have been told.

Other then that, I am not sure how to expedite it any other way.
Dear googly,
This is my situation.

- I got married in Feb 2002
- My GC got approved in May 2002, My wife’s name was not yet added to the I 485, and my wife was still in India when my GC got approved.
- I applied for I – 824 in Aug 2002 for my wife who is in Chennai .
- The I -824 got approved in Sept 2003.
- I am waiting for the NVC to notify the consulate (Chennai consulate)

I have couple of questions.
In your posting you have mentioned that you sent (DS230 I and II, Affidavit of support, original I824 and original 485 approval notice (courtesy copy), bank statement, letter of employment, recent pay stubs, marriage certificate etc). once you got the I-824 receipt.
Where did you sent these papers Delhi consulate or NVC ?

May attorney did not send any of these to either the consulate or the NVC, Basically we were waiting for the I 824 approval.
Here is what I did.

I did not have to wait for the 824 approval. I sent the ND consulate attorney certified copies of everything and origional of as much as I could.

Now, I know chennai does not accept AC copies and one has to wait for the 824 approval. I do not know how that works.

Try contacting the chennai consulate and ask them. Also, I see no harm in sending those papers to your wife once she has the interview scheduled. This way, if it is required she will be able to produce it right there and then.

Hope this helps.
Re: Here is what I did.

Thanks for you reply.
Any Idea how long it might take one the consulate is notified of the I 825 approval.
And also what other statges are there going forward i.e packet 3 , packet 4 and etc.

There is only one stage left after notifying Packet4. Which is when the interview date is announced too. I am sure you will see something really shortly.

I am sure you must have provided all the information to NVC about your that is infact your Packet3.

I am not sure how much does NVC take to inform.
Re: Reply..

Thank you googly for your reply,
When I filed the I-825 I provided the my i-485 approval notice. Is that all needed ?
Re: Reply..

So there is no Packet 3 information for the follow on to join cases ?
Googly & Hawk

Congratz. Could you please confirm whether the affidavit of support is actually I-864 which is part of packet 3?

Is it necessary to wait for the actual card to file for FTJ in Chennai?

Originally posted by Hawk74
congratulations...I think Madras consulate is not at all responsive. I got my GC approved in March,03. And i applied for FTJ in August'03 after i received my physical "Green Card". I did not apply for 824 instead i sent all the papers (you listed) to madras except DS230 part I and II. And they are telling me that its going to take 5-6 months just ot create the case.

Could you let me know if there is any way i can speed up this process?

congrats again

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you dont have to wait for the actual GreenCard. Consulate requires you have stamp in your passport and notarized copy of Approval letter (for chennai consulate).

Good luck
Dear friends,
Forllowing the reaply I got from the Chennai consulate.
I thought the primay purpose of the I 824 is to verify the primary applicants status and notify the conuslate. Now that myu I 824 is approve should I have to again go through the verification process suggested by the consulate? Is is this usuall process ?
Please sahre your views and suggestions.
For following to join cases, we need confirmation of principal applicant's Legal Permanent Resident Status (LPR) from the USCIS(former INS). So after the principal applicant receives his/her green card in hand, please send the following notarized documents to our office after you get the Green card.
Approval Notice (Form I-797)
Entire Passport pages
Green Card (Both sides)
Marriage Certificate
Applicant's Birth Certificate
Local address.
This office will request the BCIS to confirm the principal applicant's status after which the case will be created for the follow to join members of the family. The process may take around 5 to 6 months to create the case.
Affidavit of support.

This is actually a part of Packet3. There is nothing new which I did.

Just remember send them the latest pay-stubs and a document from your bank, stating that you have sufficient funds.

Also, though GC (plastic) is not required and consulate should be OK with the stamp on the passport, it is not a bad idea to send them copy of your plastic GC.

Rule of thumb "more the number of documents to backup your case, easier it will be for your spouse"

Re: Affidavit of support.

my concern was the documents that consulate requested are similar to the AC 140, Since my I 824 is already approved. Do
I still have to do this.
According to the BCIS
all that is need to open the case for the FTJ is the approval of the I 824, since my I 824 is already approved another verification by the Chennai consulate based on the same document set is redundant. I can understand while the I 824 is still in processing the overseas consulate may verify the details directly to open the case, as in your case the Delhi consulate verified your status based on the I 824 receipt notice and the documents that you sent, but when the I 824 is already approved it does not make any sense or I am seriously missing some thing.

You are right attorney cerrtified 824 reciept is required only when it is not approved. Since your case got approved already, I think you do not have to worry about that. But I would suggest that you still speak to chennai never know what they might require.

arunu's chennai consulate reply

I too got the same reply for my enquiry about the set of documents required by the consulate. This is where I noticed the mention of "actual greencard" as part of the documents required. I'd hate to have to wait any longer to file for my wife's case after having waited for nearly two years for my own approval. I was hoping to go ahead with the stamp on the passport.

As regards to other documents, they indicate that they need the entire copy of the passport -- all pages. Is this for the beneficiary or the applicant also? If it is for both, is it necessary to get notary sign and seal on every page of the passport or is it sufficient to get a notary sign and seal for the entire document only once?
Also, do you guys know how they notarize multi-page documents in general? Tax forms also belong to this category (W2's are individual documents and as such need individual copies notarized -- that's my guess.)

The few notary public I got in touch with here don't do this for free. Although their fee is only $2 per seal, the cost of copying the passport alone would go to $50-$60. And, I was thinking it may be better to get two copies -- just in case.
Re: arunu

I my I 824 approval, only my name is mentioned in the beneficiary, Is this normal or should my wife’s name should also be there, since mine is a follow on to join case
delhi immigrant section contact info

could someone tell me the contact info (email and phone #s) for delhi consulate and embassy?

Re: arunu's chennai consulate reply

Originally posted by WheresMahGreen
The few notary public I got in touch with here don't do this for free. Although their fee is only $2 per seal, the cost of copying the passport alone would go to $50-$60. And, I was thinking it may be better to get two copies -- just in case.

Hi you can get the documnets and passport notarized in banks. Banks you usally do that for free if you are their customer.
Re: interview help - my wife's interview Dec 18th 2003

hi googly,

I just read that your wife had the interview on dec 1st and everything went well.

First of all congrats.

I was looking for some information reagarding the interview. My wife's interview is on 18th Dec.

I was wondering if you could tell me -
# what all questions were asked?
# how long was the interview?
# anything in particular these guys are anal about or we need to take care of?
# any tips?

Many thanks in advance. It will be really great if you could help me with this at the earliest...

my email just in case:
