Follow on Join case - Spoke to NVC Today


Registered Users (C)
My 485 was approved in Jan 02. I filed I-824 for follow on join for my son who is in India. I-824 was approved on Apr 1, 02 and approval notice says Chennai consulate is being notified.

I called NVC today about this. She took the info and verified in the system and gave me Chennai tel. number asking me contact them directly.

Is it true that follow on join cases will bypass NVC. Does any one has similar experiences ?

can\'t help a lot but...

From what my lawyer says, the approved I-824 gets forwarded to NVC. So, NVC should have the answers. Surprising that they referred you to the consulate...

I am also in the exact same siutation.
My laywer says INS will notifity NVC. But when I called INS, they say that once it is approved it will notify Consulate
Please advise
Please help with form I-824

I am trying to file follow-to-join for my son by myself (to save a few bucks). I824 looks easy to me. But I am a little bit confused about Part 3 Processing Information:
    What should I fill in for the 1st column (Type of Petition/Form#) and the 2nd column (Filing Receipt #)? Should they be I485 and I485 Receipt # or the approving letter of I485?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.