FOIPA delay too?


Registered Users (C)
My priority date was 4/13/2005, and I had the interview scheduled for October 11, 2005. In September, the USCIS notified me it cancelled the interview telling the namecheck had not been finished yet. So, I am still waiting. Not exactly just waiting- I am calling the USCIS Center every other week, the same thing are doing my congressman's and senator's offices, but the answer is the same: name check not finished. It looks that because I have not had my interview, I cannot do much more.

Having all other ways tried, I looked through this forum and filed the FOIPA request to FBI on 12/07/2005. Of course, the filled Privacy Request Form and the cover letter were mailed to Washington DC, not faxed. Still, at the end of the month, I haven't heard from the FBI either! It looks most of the requestors have their replies rather soon. Do I just have a bad luck? Is there a standard wait time? Do you think it would make sense sending one more FOIPA request?

Judging by this forum postings, some of you guys understand much more in these procedures. I would really appreciate any of your advices.

By the way, Happy New Year! Hope that all of you will finish this heavy work in early 2006!

Isn't the name check done AFTER the interview? Or is it done after fingerprinting and before the interview?

To my knowledge, the name check starts well before the interview. Also, please look at other postings in this forum