Flying on Kuwait Airways.


Registered Users (C)

I need some information. I know this is not the place to ask for such information, but hope moderator will allow it to remain on this portal for just one day. :)

I am planning to fly to New Delhi thru Kuwait Airways and back to USA in Dec 2004. I would appreciate if someone who has been thru that sector can share some information. My travel agent says - I will get hotel accomodation arranged by Airlines in Kuwait for 20 hours while on my journey back to USA. What sort of hotel is that? How expensive is food there? Can we get some veggie stuff too?

Other thing that is in my mind is how good place is Kuwait even for a 3 hour transit? In other words is it safe to travel thru Kuwait?

And last but not the least - anything that you feel one should know while travelling Kuwait/Mid East(I have never done it before - been thry Europe only). Feel free to guide me. Some people told me that Burka is must in mid-east and that you will be waked up for prayer during flight. I do not believe it but just wanted to confirm. (I know Brunei Airline does it.).

Moderator - TIA.
Sorry..could not hold myself back at this one

After reading your post, I hope that they make you wear a Burka and let you loose in the Harem's of KUWAIT for asking such stupid questions...move on....

Good luck in Kuwait.

U'll be fine. I travel thr' Kwt Airways all the time. You DONOT need to wear a burka or sort. As a matter of fact you'll hardly find anyone in a burka on the airport!

They will most likely keep you in the airport hotel (maybe Sherton). The food is really inexpensive. Try some filafil sandwiches...they are really inexpensive and tasty.

Good Luck!