You still have quite a few years before you're eligible to apply for naturalization (3 years for marriage based petition and 5 for employment based petition). A few things that you can do in the mean time are
1. Always file your taxes as a resident, even if you have no income for that year. Delcare all income, including interest from your overseas account, if any.
2. Register with Selective Service if you are a male at or below the age of 26. If not, it doesn't hurt to request for a letter from them at this time, if you are a male.
3. Maintain all records of fines/tickets/etc...
4. Try to avoid taking 6-month or longer trips outside the US. Apply for a re-entry permit if you are going to be away from the country for an extended period of time.
5. Keep detailed records of all your travels outside the US
6. Make sure that you spend more than 1/2 the time (1.5 years for 3 years, and 2.5 years for 5 years) within the US.
7. Be a law abiding resident