First posting - hi to all


Registered Users (C)
Hello every one,

Please allow me join the GC Club. i am a fresher to this forum and site. it has been wonderful for the past 5 hours as i was brousing this forum. i found lots of input from this forum. i am excited and thrilled.

My GC details:

I-485 RD April 02
FP April 03
2nd EAD valid thro' July 04

to strat with, i have couple of very basic question. please advice me.

1. what is the likely expected time of my approval of 485 from TSC.

2. is there any difference in the approval time period between EB2 and EB3. if yes, how many months currenctly, approximately.

contact Bush

Bush, his henchmen and friends only know the answers to these questions.
God may also be "con"sulted.
1. what is the likely expected time of my approval of 485 from TSC.
> Officially, TSC is processing 4/2001. But we're seeing approvals from 8/2001. If you're lucky, you could see your approval around 1/2005.

2. is there any difference in the approval time period between EB2 and EB3. if yes, how many months currenctly, approximately.
> Not at the I-485 stage.

Welcome to the forum!

Hi we are in the same boat. My ND April 02 and FP April 03 .So we must receive the approvals in the same dates probably.

Welcome devaa

1. The truth is you never know when you are going to receive your GC. I would recomend not making any decisions based on the estimate. TSC is very unpreditable and the 485 processing can come to a crawling stop and pick up speed at any time. You can look in the Data Consolidation Project thread and see what is going on with the people who applied around your time.
thank you one and all for your valuable replies.

thank you one and all for your valuable replies.

thanks and regards