Fingerprinting in RI


Registered Users (C)
I am located in MA.
My 1st FP was in Boston.
But, I got a 2nd FP notice which says to go to Providence, RI.
Anyone has similar experince?
ANyone with fingerprinting experience in RI?
Ri is bettte then Boston.
There would not be longer Line in RI and it should be fast.
I think it depens on their sytem
sometimes it gives closest one as first options.
I know in your case it came Boston first and now RI.
but don't worry its just FP
and also its just BCIS:D
Don't worry

I had exactly the same situation as you.
RI ASC is much better than the Boston one. Its quiet, no long lines, parking lot next to the center door. You'll be just surprised how easy it is there.
not necessary

i did FP in early march....not yet updated.
anyway, I think ASC in most states, except a few troublesome mentioned on this forum, are hassle free.
Went on 17 april for FP. Gr8 experience (as compared to Boston for my 1st FP). Ample parking just right near the entrance, no waiting. All set and done in 15 mins. Just saw 3 more ppl there during this duration.
Very friedly staff.