fingerprint & signature appointment after stamp?


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Hi, I was interviewed on Dec 7 at Chicago office and got approved and my passport was stamped as well. According to the interviewing officer, I only need to wait for the plastic green card. But now I got an approval notice (I-797) from the immigrantion office and asking me to make an info pass appointment for fingerprint and signature. I've already taken fingerprint in Jan. this year. So I wonder whether this letter is a routine letter for all people whose cases are approved and in my case I can ignore it or whether they lost my fingerprint so that I have to make another trip. Will appreciate any help from those have similar experience.
I have Interview coming up in Febuary, wondering if you can please share your Interview experience with us? How long the Interview last? What documents Officer saw? Question? etc.... Appreciate your reply....
Trueman999 said:
I have Interview coming up in Febuary, wondering if you can please share your Interview experience with us? How long the Interview last? What documents Officer saw? Question? etc.... Appreciate your reply....

Sure. My interview was really short and easy:

First we went to the second floor and turned in the appointment sheet. A lot of peopel were sitting there waiting. After a while, my address was called upon and my husband and I were instructed to the 23rd floor.

There's a smaller waiting room on the 23rd and after showing the appointment letter again, we sat there for about 2 minutes before we were called in by a yound lady. Don't know why it took us too little time to get called in both times while there seems to be more people earlier than us still waiting there.

The young lady officer was really nice. After having us take an oath about telling on the truth, she went through some required questions about previous marriage, previous criminal, whether I've claime to be a citizen before, whther I've voted in the US, etc. I think all the questions that we have filled in the I-485. I answered to no to most of them except that I've taken one of the governemental aid before - WIC when I was pregnant with my daughter. Then both my husband and I signed a sheet to testify that she had asked the required questions. Following that , she just asked for the original copy of some key documents, my husband's citizenship certificate, marriage license, our daughter's birth cirtificate, my birth ciertificate, our 2003 tax return. Then she took a copy of those that they don't have on file. And she took away my advanced parole and work permit as well. After she get all the documents sorted, she stamped my passport. That's all. She didn't even ask us any questions about each other. I guess she thought that my case was very simple and straigtforward. I'm not sure whether this would help you at all, but my suggestion is follows:

1. be prepared. bring all the documents required or you think relevant even though they may not be asked at the interview.

2. be there earlier. My appointment was 1:50pm and we arrived at the building at 1:05pm. By the time everything is done, it was not 1:45pm. :)

Any way, good luck to all.