Finger prints not received by NSC. Any one with Similar problem...


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My wife's 485 fingerprints were taken 4 months ago. But AVM still says " On Feb 20th we have received ur case, it will take 390 -420 days for this kinda case.....".

We called FBI and asked about Finger prints and they said They have sent it right after FP were taken.

We called INS and asked IIO about AVM not reflecting FPs.
IIO said they haven't received FP. If FBI already sent it, it might have been to local INS. And IIO asked us to contact local INS office.

Has anybody faced similar situation ? Why FBI sends it to local INS ? They are not stupids rt ?

Please post your experiences and suggestions...

Thank You in advance...
Our FP was done on 05/01/02 but the NSC has not updated the status yet. Found out from FBI that the results were sent back the very next day. I didnt really felt the need to call NSC as my RD is Nov 01. But even going by what the IIO told you, why would the local INS keep it without sending it to NSC. Seems to me that the IIO doesnt really want to give the real reason - their laziness.
Finger Printing Issue

Hi ,

Could you please tell me what is the FBI number to call ? Also what information they ask?

My case is also underway at the NSC.

Please advise.

Thanks - Ruby