Filling out g-325 biographic information


Registered Users (C)
hi guys,

i hope somebody would be able to help me about G-325:

1/ i have been doing paid internships for the last three years as the J1 visa is a very easy to get in the states (I have got my 1099 forms and 1 W2 from my internships). Should my internships in the "applicants employment last five years" box?

2/ i did an unpaid internship in Spain. Should it appear on this box?

3/ i worked something like 30 days in total in france for the last three years when i had to wait to get another J1. should it appear as well?

4/ for the last five years residency, sometimes, I traveled to France for 10 days, another time i was at my friends place in nyc for five days when i was looking for a new apartment, should it all appear in the applicant residence last five years?

Thank you for your help