Filling and Submitting I-130/I-485 application


Registered Users (C)
Hello everyone,

I have benefitted vastly from the information given in this portal. I am in the final stage where I have completed filling all the forms required for ADJUSTMENT of STATUS. I have few final queries as I am scared to submit the application.

1. Can I staple the I-130, I-485, I-864 etc sheets SEPERATELY with a small staple.

2. Can i enclose each of the applications in seperate envelope and put all the envelopes in a big envelope and send it to INS. I mean can i put I-130 in one envelope, I-485 in one envelope and so on and then finally put all these envelopes in one FINAL BIG envelope. Finally I wish to just have one cover letter in the MAIN BIG envelope telling them that the smaller enclosed envelopes have the applications.

3. Finally is it ok to submit 130, 485, 131 and 765 all at once or should i first only submit 130, 485 first and then later on 131 and 765.

Please help me. I am applying for adjustment of status based on my marriage to USC.

Thank you very much and I owe this website a lot.
