Filing taxes. What to do regarding past deductions to another SSN?


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Hello all,

My wife recently became a green card holder and with that process she also got her new social security number.

She has been working since April 2007 under another social security number. Can I just file taxes normally even though her W2 social security number does not match her new social security number?

I have been told to just file it normally and I have also been told to file and send in a letter explaining the situation.

At the same time, I have also read that what she did was illegal and she could be in some legal trouble for it as well.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

SSN number does not change based on immigration status. SSN number is valid for that person for life. Please ask SSN office about this.
If she was using a fake SSN or somebody else's SSN, she cannot claim any benefits based on that bogus SSN, and you must not file taxes with her bogus SSN.