Filing for my brother


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Hello all,

I am planning on filing for my brother next month. Did any of you go thru the same process or has any idea about the processing time? Thanks alot
It takes around 12 years as of today, might get worse..

search for it on google. i did it a few days back and saw folks in this last family based immigration category, who applied in 1996 are current now to get a immigrant visa number. Assuming 6 months to a year for getting the GC after being current, you are looking at 12+ years.
I have to apply for my sis too, but with this kind of delay not sure if i would.
Also US Govt does not care about this caregory so it will get worse instead of getting better with every year. 5 years back it was like 8 years if remember correctly.
Hope it helps.

Disclaimer: This is not professional advise.