Filed May '05 - Still waiting


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I am trying to see how many have filed in May 2005 and still waiting for approval. Details of my case

EB2 - Senior Software Engineer - Chicago - MS+0 yrs
File date - 25-May-05
Final Review - 28-Jun-05 (june rerun)
In Process - 28-Jul-05 (july rerun)
Still Waiting...

i think smajeti is one even before me.. Anyone else there giving us company..

:( :( :( :(
Me too!

I applied May 24th.
EB-2 - Senior Embedded Software Engineer
B.S + 6 years exp.
Attorney/HR suggests just to wait.
Still waiting too

I applied on May 24th. It was immediately denied. Then reapplied on May 27th. Stayed in Audit review status till Rerun. After that both cases changed to Final Review. And then changed to In Process. I think that having more than one application in the system keeps it pending. I asked my attorney to withdraw the first application but he has not done yet.

Do you guys have more than one application in the system like me? I am trying to understand if my assumption about multiple applications is true or not. Thanks
Same here

I filed on May 10th. Audit Review --> In Process. Filed in Chicago in EB2 category. I lost hopes.
One question:

Did you - or did you NOT keep your priority date?
(1st question in PERM application)

Because if you did - then your case is being converted and it may take ages to process.

Therefore I am adding another question here:

DID you answer YES or NO in the 1st question box?
gsn said:

I am trying to see how many have filed in May 2005 and still waiting for approval. Details of my case.....Anyone else there giving us company..

:( :( :( :(

My case was filed on 6/6/05. Was denied as we did not get any email/phone for sponsorship, went to Final review after the re-run and then is in "In Process" since then. A recruitment letter was asked during first week of July and a reply was sent next week. So, its 45 days since the letter was sent out but still no news. I do not think there is any logic how DOL works, they just plain suck. I just have one petition filed, no re-applications, no petion pending anywhere else, so i do not know what is taking them so long.
cabal said:
My case was filed on 6/6/05. Was denied as we did not get any email/phone for sponsorship, went to Final review after the re-run and then is in "In Process" since then. A recruitment letter was asked during first week of July and a reply was sent next week. So, its 45 days since the letter was sent out but still no news. I do not think there is any logic how DOL works, they just plain suck. I just have one petition filed, no re-applications, no petion pending anywhere else, so i do not know what is taking them so long.
I agree with you. My case filed on June2, Final review since June 24, In process since July28. No news yet. I think it is just pure luck to get certified. It seems like a random process. No logic, No rhyme or reason. No one has any idea as to why!!! This is worse that the previous methord of labor certification!!
Apple to Apple


Don't get me takes many things to get approval...and there cud be several reasons for not I see all of the above mentioned cases are diff....timing is one I suggest one not to predict. Pl understand the entire process and help employer / attorney to do so...DOL is giving several rulings to make things clear....I saw MS+0 in one case and other BS+6 yrs...but in these cases what was the minimum exp declared on the job ? What does the job need say ? Just imagine if job says just MS and no exp, then one shud have done job fair in clleges/universities rather than a regular job fair ? That will be the real way testing the market? I know not many attorneys/employers communicate this well...but lets try to get things doen in is amazing to see PERM labor approvals in just 3 days...that is the other side believe me.
raviobbu said:

Don't get me takes many things to get approval...and there cud be several reasons for not I see all of the above mentioned cases are diff....timing is one I suggest one not to predict. Pl understand the entire process and help employer / attorney to do so...DOL is giving several rulings to make things clear....I saw MS+0 in one case and other BS+6 yrs...but in these cases what was the minimum exp declared on the job ? What does the job need say ? Just imagine if job says just MS and no exp, then one shud have done job fair in clleges/universities rather than a regular job fair ? That will be the real way testing the market? I know not many attorneys/employers communicate this well...but lets try to get things doen in is amazing to see PERM labor approvals in just 3 days...that is the other side believe me.

Thanks for the encouragement. But the plain fact is that there is no logic behind DOL workings. Like you suggested, my case is for MS+0 yrs exp. and we did recruitment thru campus placement office. If they do not like what we have done, why not reject it instead of just hanging on to it. Yeah, I agree DOL has been coming up with their Rulings and FAQ's, but why could they not come up with these before they came out with the whole process. As far as attroneys go, I dont know why they cannot make the whole process simple that you do not need them in the first place. Just frustrated with the whole thing, almost 8 yrs. in the country and still no hope in sight.
My experience:

On line status shown the same with others: Audit Review -- Final Reivew -- In Process -- Certified

In Atlanta center.

Title: Operations Research Analyst, EB2

Perm filed: May 17, 2005
Audit letter Received: May 25 (the letter was dated May 18, 05)
Response to Audit letter mailed: May 30
Date certified: August 18
Date of physical Lab certification received: August 26.

By the way, I didn't use the lawyer.

Be patient and be confident with your filing. Good luck to everybody.
Be confident with yourself and filing, believe in god, pray....etc. all these words can be used as synonames for lottery. PERM is like lottery. Atleast lottery has a deadline and we know for sure by that date whether we got it or not. Here it is worse than that.
EB2 + Software Engineer --> Audit?

gsn said:
EB2 - Senior Software Engineer - Chicago - MS+0 yrs
File date - 25-May-05
Final Review - 28-Jun-05 (june rerun)
In Process - 28-Jul-05 (july rerun)
Still Waiting...

Just curious. I heard that Software Engineer should file EB3 instead of EB2. How come your lawyer use EB2? Any good reason and support? Won't you get a "business necessity" audit? Is it the reason why you keep waiting? Maybe ...
Applied on 5/23

EB2, software engineer

My attorney told me that they just received audit letter requesting recruitment document.
I am planning to quit the company, I do not care this anymore.
I would take it as a good sign, atleast something is going on.. People who responds to audit are getting approvals and the rate is better than the people who are in forever Final Review and nothing going on.
goofy101 said:
EB2, software engineer

My attorney told me that they just received audit letter requesting recruitment document.
I am planning to quit the company, I do not care this anymore.
Just one question...

How many of you, waiting since May/Jun, have asked their employer / lawyer to send an email to DOL, inquring about your case ??

Questions for those who waited for more than 60 days and recently got certified:

Did your employer / attorney sent any email to DOL about the case status??

Filed: 06/01
Status: In Process
Cat: EB-3
Title: Programmer Analyst
DOL: Chicago
BEC: None
Duplicates in PERM: None
Denied Earlier: No
For Deshu77

My lawyer sent an email to DOL after 60 days have passed. The answer was the standard one ...your case is still in process. We sent the email on 8/16 and on 8/25 I was certified. I do not think that the email helped. I still believe the applications are picked up randomly for review.
Any other questions that I may answer to help you with this wait....let me know. I know what this waiting means.
More info.. This is my first filing for PERM and there in none in BEC. Checked with lawyer on EB2 before filing and they said it is fine to do that. There are no queries on business necessity although it was mentioned in the application. Looks like the application is not reviewed at all.. :( :( :(
For people who filed in May, you must have already crossed 90 day period. DId you talk to your attorney to send an email to DOL about the delay in decision and what's happening with your case. This may help, who knows. I tried talking to my attorney, but she is not advicing on emailing or calling as she thinks DOL personal would unnecessarily invest their valuable time in anwering queries, so she is not calling. I was not given the case number, otherwise I would have mailed.
Why those lawyers are so considerate to DOL?

knowDOL said:
For people who filed in May, you must have already crossed 90 day period. DId you talk to your attorney to send an email to DOL about the delay in decision and what's happening with your case. This may help, who knows. I tried talking to my attorney, but she is not advicing on emailing or calling as she thinks DOL personal would unnecessarily invest their valuable time in anwering queries, so she is not calling. I was not given the case number, otherwise I would have mailed.
Contact DOL

I myself dont understand why all Lawyers are hesitating to contact DOL.
If your case is pending for more than 60 days, it makes sense for you to ask your lawyer/employer to send an email atleast.

I have seen in a couple of cases, where it helped to a couple of candidates, who were waiting for more than 60 days, to atleast email DOL and remind them that their case is there in their system. It could have helped them indirectly, if not directly, even if they reply you back with some generic email like "your case is still In Process".

I would like to ask those who waited for more than 60 days and recently got Certified, please share with us if their employer/lawyer did sent any email ??

Thanks in advance for sharing your experience