Feb / March - Chennai Thread


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Here are my details
Pkt 3 mailed to Chennai consulate on Nov 28th
Pkt 3 received by chennai - Dec 3rd
emailed several times to find out the status of interview and got a recent reply saying that i can expect interview in March.

I was expecting a Feb interview but am a little surprised that chennai consulate is saying March. Anyone in similar situation ?
Yes Iam, even worse.....

Dear Friend,
My packet 3 reached the consulate on Dec 5th. I have e-mailed them several times, but haven\'t got any reply yet...I couldn\'t get thru the telephone either.....

I am confused whether they have updated their system with my packet 3 info or not...

I was hoping for FEB, but i am not even sure about the interview.....
Same here

I think, we just have to be patient.
I was expecting a Feb interview after i got
an email on 11/28 from Chennai.
But on 12/28(yes exactly after a month)
i get a reply from them it may be in march.
And yesterday night when i called them, they say
it might be 8-10 weeks from now. Dont know what it means.
No Title

P3 mailed on 12/14th and it recieved by Chennai on 12/18th (Fedex tracking). I believe by next week end we might get some news on Feb interview dates or else early following week.
Telephonic confirmation

My relative in chennai called up consulate and they have reconfirmed again that the interview may be in March. Now, I am getting less optimistic for February.

By the way how are u guys managing to make airline reservations..with so much of uncertainity in the timelines...


Pkt 3 sent on 12/14 got into system on 12/31. When I spoke to the operator last week at consulate, she told me that packet 3\'s are entered into system only on Mondays. This may be correct info, becaz our packet reached on 14th, but the following monday 12/17 was id - so consulate was closed. Next Monday 12/24 - the consulate must have entered the backlog. 12/31, Monday - our packet was entered.

I think becaz of the various holidays during November and December both in India and US we are seeing this great delay in entering the packets into the system.

I have not received any indication for a probable date but still hoping it to be February.

Here are my details
Pkt 3 mailed to Chennai consulate on Nov 26th
Received email from consulate that pkt 3 received - Dec 6

Sent an email to chennai about the interview date and got a reply back saying "Likely to be in february."

 I am confused as to how can there be so much discrepancy with the interview dates for the same mailing dates.
Bad news......

My packet 3 has reached Chennai consulate on Dec 10th as per the Courier.

Today I got an e-mail from the consulate that they don\'t have any info on my Packet-3.

I am puzzled/confused/scared.......Don\'t know what to do?

Could u throw some advices....

Your experience is the same as mine. My attorney had sent the Packet-3
as soon as they got the notice from NVC. It was FedEx\'ed to Chennai, FedEx tracking confirmed that it was delivered to front desk on July 13th. I waited (like a fool) for two months. Didn\'t get Oct. appointment. Inquired with Chennai, and they replied- "Pkt3 not recieved". So called my attorney, she dismissed my concern saying that it usually takes 90 days for Chennai to process the Packet-3 and enter into their system.

Waited 30 more days, and didn\'t make it to the November list. Got pissed and shouted at the attorney, they fedex\'ed Pkt3 again in 2nd week of Oct. Called up consulate 7 days after the Fed-Ex was delivered. and bingo! they said its on file, expect interview in Jan.
I got my interview on Jan24.

Well the moral of the story is in my opinion: If your Pkt3 reaches Chennai IV before they get their electronic message from NVC, it is most likely that they trash your Packet-3. Give Chennai about 7-10 days after the Fed=Ex delivery date before contacting them. If they say that "Pkt-3 not recieved" send one more set.

I have suffered this once, will like no one else to suffer- especially in this economic downturn.

Good luck!
No Title

Not scare you, but i am in the same boat.
It might Anthrax. The thing that frustrates me is
Chennai staff is absolutely customer unfriendly.
They just dont want to give any details, all they
say is one or two words/lines. I think one just
has to wait till they announce the dates every middle
of the month, and then only it might get a bit clearer.
God!, it must have been tough for you!. I have a light ray for me now.....

As I was telling you in the earlier message that as of yesterday consulate said they don\'t have my P3 info. I was pissed off, hence immediately I fed-exed another set.

However, I gave a call to Chennai consulate in the midnight at 3.30amCST(3.00pm IST) and bingo!, they answered the phone.....And another surprise is that the lady told me that they DO HAVE MY P3 INFO IN THEIR SYSTEM!. I was literally surprised, because it was only 12 hours after they told me via e-mail that they don\'t have my P3.

Hence, friend, if you ever get a message saying that they don\'t have P3, Just don\'t worry much, it just doesn\'t mean anything, but it doesn\'t hurt for you to take care of secondary arrangements like the one I did by fed-exing another set.


The final glitch here is that, the lady said, I might or might not get FEB interview!!!!????