Feb 04 case approved on rupnet!!!


Registered Users (C)
Anyone noticed a case for 485 approval for a LIN-04-xxx.. on rupnet??

If it's true.. I don't what to say :confused: :D
But which pilot project in NSC???

This might be due to the Ohata memo, concurrent approval...
Is there anyone else aware of similar approvals??

This is strange.. I tend to think it's a s/w glitch.. You need somedays for Fingerprint.... How can that be possible???
Or can you send your own figerprint report from FBI ;) along with the application
aap said:

This is strange.. I tend to think it's a s/w glitch.. You need somedays for Fingerprint.... How can that be possible???
Or can you send your own figerprint report from FBI ;) along with the application
Yup - its indeed strange....the weird part is that I've looked at this case for about 2 weeks now
the status has not changed ...
You would think that a glitch would be corrected in 2 weeks !!
(Esp if they looked at their access logs and the # of hits for this case :D )

If its indeed a screw-up, I pity the poor soul that got approval emails and all :)