Feb 02 activity in Rupnet


Registered Users (C)
Feb 02 filers seem to be getting RFEs in Rupnet. I'm hoping that by end of this year, Jan's cases are almost done and Feb is midway through....
If you hope...

then hope more optimistically. I hope they are done with Jun 2002 cases by end of this year. If they only finish february, they'd be falling behind (one month processed in the next two months) even more.
If we have to be that optimistic, I hope I get my GC tomorrow ... but going by the trend in Rupnet, Feb would be realistic.

BTW, if you follow the Greenland Report, BCIS has already started with May 02.
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Looks like BCIS is picking up cases covering several months, from Jan'02 to May'02, while concentrating on Jan to Feb 02 cases more. I guess they will be busy approving Feb'02 cases while issuing RFE for Mar'02 cases, by the end of this year.