FBI said 2nd FP sent to INS


Registered Users (C)
But INS online still says first FP results recieved.

How long for INS to put the 2nd FP received messge online?

How long from 2nd FP receive date to approval date?

RD 11/19/2002, No REF, Derivative (Primary approved way back in May)

what should I do?

Thank you
Some people got approved less than one month after 2nd FP. The on line may never change from your 1st FP to the 2nd.

You should get it anytime soon. Waiting with patience is the only thing you can do at this moment.

Originally posted by gwpeng
But INS online still says first FP results recieved.

How long for INS to put the 2nd FP received messge online?

How long from 2nd FP receive date to approval date?

RD 11/19/2002, No REF, Derivative (Primary approved way back in May)

what should I do?

Thank you
same here . no update on BCIS online . all is old .
I think you shud be fine as you are derivative . No estimate on BCIS work commitment, may they themselves do not know when they will reach our cases.
Well roughly 1-1.5 mos after FP2 is the approval pattern as seen on this board...! should be any time soon..!

Me2 waiting on those lines..
FP2:7/12/03[Early FP] as kash777
It seems to be that no updated online message (after 2FP)means your case being assigned to an officer. Could be this right?
Don't worry about it you will be approved soon.

I did my second FP july 17th. So far my on line message still saying first fp details.

I have seen the case approved with out online updations.

Best of luck
How to Call and confirm..?

I had my Second FP on Jul'3 and called FBI (304-625-5590). They said It's not showing in their system. I went and asked the Local office, the lady said we entered your FP details in the system and thats all we can do.
I'm totally confused how this works.

Is there anyway to confirm this?

Please reply,
Kana, did you talked once or twice ?

if local BCIS is correct then , one can try calling at different time ,take chance by calling 2 /3 times to FBI after gap of 3/4 days and talk with different guy . and get good idea . You may tell them while talking about at BCIS local confirmation . May be the guy you have talked may not have checked proper A # for you.
if FBI guys still says that they do not have your FP then you may get another FP notice from BCIS again as your FP results are not with them . Did you notice any change while you give your 2nd FP ? . Change I mean that time it may not have been properly recorded by QA people and FBI may have difficulty in reading them .That is why they may say that system is not showing FP's .

This is just my opinion.
same same

I did 2nd FP (Jul18)... also FBI confirmed that the FP was received and sent back to INS on 18th Jul itself. No update after the 1st FP receipt date.... Hope it is assigned and moves forward soon
whereisgc2003, I'm with you. I did my 2nd FP on 6/14.
Where is the 1.5M rule? Is it not applicable to us???

PD: 07/07/2000 EB2/IND/TX
RD: 12/19/2001
ND: 12/28/2001
EAC: 02 072 52XXX
FP1: 02/13/2002
FP2: 06/14/2003
AD ?????