Fax/Phone Inquiry for no FP notice - Please post experience here

Arun Mehta

Registered Users (C)
If anyone has made a phone/fax inquiry regarding non receipt of FP notice, please post experience here.

Please include date of inquiry, fax no if any, response received and its details etc.
i talked to IIO but.....

my rd is jan 02
nd is jan 08 02
no fp notice yet.
i called the iio after all the folks who had filed with me got the fp notices and they even had their fp done.but the iio did not know why i did not get the fp notice.
still waiting
No response yet

ND: Jan 23, 2002
No any information for FP so far. I asked lawyer to fax inquiry about 2 weeks ago. but there is no feedback. Called CSC and IIO did not help me at all.
Called IIO for FP notice inquery

IIO said that because of the security check FP is taking longer time. She couldn\'t give me any specific answer. I didn\'t get my EAD yet and she said that it takes 6 months for EAD because of the new security features added to the EAD card.
She asked me to check the status after 1 month.
RD: Dec. 27, 2001
ND: Dec. 29, 2001
Have received only the AP so far.
I called yesterday (June 10) around 2.00 pm

As the fax inquery needs attorney\'s signature I didn\'t do the fax inquery yet. I asked my stupid attorney to send the inquery but I don\'t know what the heck he is waiting for.
I told the IIO about the 120 days but she said that sometimes it takes more than that. IIO was very cooperate and passionate. MY stupid attorney put his address in the EAD card instead of mine. I corrected that as of IIO\'s suggestion.
Semms like we are helpless here.
What did the IIO do?

In my case, the IIO actually took print out of my case and said that she will send it to the appropriate department. I dont know how helpful that will be.

You can do fax inquiry yourself. Send a fax and give your fax number on the inquiry and watch what happens.
IIO just checked the status of my case. Nothing else.

I saw the fax form and it is required to have the attorney\'s signature. As far as I understand, as my attorney is representing my case I need to have his signature. Am I right?
How did you do the fax inquery yourself? Did you get the reply from INS?
i got that same bs from iio

that she will send it to appropriate department.but it has been more than a month and half but nothing has changed for me.
Did she take a printout for you?

It has been only been 3 weeks for me on that. Why dont you follow up with the IIO again and see what happens.
im not sure as to whether she took a printout

The reason why im not following up is that im almost convinced that the IIO can do nothing about it.
Im going to wait for another 15 - 20 days as the fp notices dont seem to be coming these days.After that Im going to ask my attorney to make a fax inquiry as after about 15 days it will be 6 mos that i filed my 485 and still no fp and hopefully my attorney looks at my case.
Patience guys

I know I am not the right person *by any means* to advice on patience but this is what I have learnt from my calls to IIO and from talks to my attorney:

1. IIO\'s can only give out limited info. They really can\'t help your case by taking printouts or by forwarding requests. In other words, try to restrain from calling an IIO. It doesn\'t help; in fact, sometimes IIOs don\'t like it either.

2. If an attroney has his address for EAD, it\'s there for a reason. If an attorney hasn\'t faxed anything yet, it\'s for a reason. In short, don\'t mess up your case by trying to take over your case personally and altering addresses and sending faxes yourselves. If the fax asks for an attorney\'s signature, it asks for it; the person receiving the fax is not going to take any action if the attorney\'s signature is not there.

3. FP notices are *not* issued in order. I know people who are waiting since July last year who haven\'t got the FP notice yet while some who filed May this year have received them. I am not sure if fax inquiries (even by the attorney) help, but there\'s not much we can do besides that.

4. If your attorney is not co-operative, change your attorney. You can (as per the rule) send an inquiry after 120 days of filing for an FP notice.

IIOs can help under some circumstances.

Sorry, but I have to disagree on the fact that IIOs can\'t forward requests, expedite the process etc..

I agree that normally they won\'t do this. But if you have waited an abnormally long period, or something strange is going on with your case, they can sometimes help.

I had a problemswith my case. After speaking many times to IIOs who couldn\'t do anything I finally got hold of an IIO who said something didn\'t look right and that they would look into it. After hearing nothing for a week I called back and spoke to another IIO. I asked to speak to the previous IIO and the second officer said they would take a printout of my request to the manager. The next day I did in fact hear back from the first officer and my I485 was approved that day.

So if you do have a really good reason (and not just my friend got his approval, why haven\'t I) some IIOs are able to help.
01-299-xxxxx approved

I am posting for the first time.

RD - 09/27/01
ND - 10/01/01
FPed - 03/28/02 (Sched - 04/18/02)
AVM changed to processing resume sometime april 2nd week
AD - 05/30/02
Never called IIO so don\'t know when the case was assigned to the officer
PP Stamped at san jose (valid for a yr. takes 6-8 months to rx. the card).

Thanks a lot the for the information from the forum.

My mail was intended only for "No FP notice received" scenarios. I don\'t know how else we can make a case for no FP notice received besides saying "my friend who filed in May got it, but I filed it in March and I haven\'t received it". I know that\'s lame and (it) doesn\'t fly, and that\'s precisely the reason why calling IIOs and sending your own faxes is not going to help much. What you mention is true though, where someone has a *valid* reason to call and inquire, they should.

Re: Patience Guys

I agree with _this..patience is the best bet...I\'m one of the unlucky one still waiting for FP Notice to show up since I filed 485 in July 2001 from phx but have recd EAD & AP ..it\'s going to be almost a year now..talking to IIO and attorney signed fax inquiries haven\'t helped either..any ideas if a local INS would issue a FP notice in person? or anyone in the same boat.

my info:
PD: Mar 2000
RD: July 2001
ND: Aug 2002

Try taking the matter up thru attorney at AILA

I read a posting on the same group that you can escalate your inquiry from one fax # to the next after receiving no reply for every 15 days, reaching all the way to the divisional mgr or something.

look at http://www.elirich.com/aug9.htm

Let us know if you have already tried all these.