favorable dission Vs. 2HRR Wavier

Ur question is not clear. Getting a Favorable Recommendation from DoS is a step towards getting 2 Year HRR Waiver. And also getting just Fav. Rec. is of no use as USCIS is the waiver approving authority. After getting fav. rec. frm DoS, they hav to make decision of issuing a J1 waiver to the applicant.

Let me know if I asnwered ur question or not.
After DoS Favorably recommends u to USCIS, it sends a copy of it stating that these reco. hav been sent to USCIS for further action (DoS sends this mail using the same stamped envelope u sent with DS 3035 and fee etc). At this time u dont hav to take any action, u just hav to wait. USCIS approves or disapproves the recommendations and notifies u as soon as it is done.