FAQ- Abount Indian Muslims (Not to offend any one ,but just to share this info)


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Q: The Muslim population is increasing faster than the Hindu population.

Their aim is to become the majority and overwhelm the Hindus.

A: According to Census information, the growth rate of Hindus is about 2.19 percent per year and the growth rate of Muslims is about 2.71 percent per year. At that rate, it would take nearly 400 years for Muslims to become 50% of the population. Even this would only happen if India's population goes on growing for 400 years (meaning that the total population at that time would be 5,00,000 crores!). In reality, the population will stop growing in the next forty years or so. At that point, the population of Muslims will be only 13 to 14 percent of the total just two percent
more than today. The higher population growth rate among Muslims is not planned it is due to poverty. According to
the data available, in Kashmir, where Hindus are the poor community, the Hindu population is growing almost twice
as fast as the Muslim population.

Q: Muslims and Islam have no tolerance for other religions. Muslim countries don't allow other religions to practice.

A: The largest Muslim-majority country in the world is Indonesia. Indonesia is secular and allows all religions to practice. Hindus and Christians form about 10% of the population, and Hindu temples and Christian churches are freely functioning in Indonesia. There has never been an attack on Hindus in Indonesia. Many other predominantly Muslim allow other religions to practice.

Q: Muslims are prospering because they have been pampered by the government. A: Almost half of all Muslims are under the poverty line, according to the 1991 census. In rural areas, more than 90% of Muslims have lands of less than 2 acres compared to 77% of Hindus. Muslims form less than 3% of the IAS officers, even though their population is about 11% of the total. Muslims are thus one of the country's poorest communities.

Q: The religion of Islam is focused entirely on violence and built around jehad.
A: The word jehad does not actually mean killing it means to struggle. The Koran often uses it to mean to struggle within oneself, to work towards being a better person. Certain Muslim groups, though, misuse this word. They say jehad means holy war, and they use it to get political support by saying that non-Muslims are responsible for all problems. They are very much like the VHP and the RSS, who blame Muslims for India's problems and say that demolishing mosques is justified by the Hindu dharma shastras. Most Muslims oppose this misuse of the word jehad. In Pakistan, the parties that talk about jehad and holy war have never received more than 5% of the vote. Ordinary Muslims, like ordinary people everywhere, are mostly interested in peace, harmony and a dignified life.

Q: The Muslim kings demolished temples all over India in order to destroy Hinduism.
A: Muslim kings did demolish temples, but so did Hindu kings. Between 1193 and 1210, the Parmar ruler plundered several
Jain temples at Dabhoi and Cambay. Harsha, a Kashmiri Hindu ruler, plundered all the temples in his kingdom except four.
As well, many Vaishnavite temples have been demolished and rebuilt as Shaivite temples, and vice versa. The main motive
in demolishing temples, at that time, were not religion but money. Temples, mosques and churches often have a lot of gold
and jewels in them. Rulers in Muslim areas have demolished mosques for the same reason.

Q: Muslim and Christian cultures are foreign to India.
A: Would you like an India with no biriyani, no salwar khameez, no kurtas, no Red Fort, no tablas, no dupattas, no ghazals? How about an India with no cricket? Muslims or Christians brought in all these things, but everyone now thinks of them as Indian. Our India looks the way it does because of centuries of mixing between different communities and religions. Just because someone says these things are not Hindu, do they stop being Indian?

Q: Muslims got their country when Pakistan was created, now they should leave our country.
A: The first person to talk of a separate country for Muslims and Hindus in public was Hedgewar, the first leader of the
RSS. He spoke of it in 1920. At that time, the Muslim League and Mohammad Ali Jinnah said that there was no need for a
separate country; they did not change their minds until 1940, twenty years later. Even after the League changed its mind,
huge numbers of Muslims opposed the idea of Pakistan, including the President of the Congress party, Maulana Azad, who
was one of India's greatest leaders.

During Partition, the majority of Muslims within present-day India chose to stay here. Since then, many of India's greatest
artists and leaders have been Muslims. Our most famous musician, A.R. Rahman(converted from hinduism) is a Muslim; some famous actors and cricket are muslims. Two Presidents of India, Zakir Hussain and Fakhruddin Ali,have been Muslims. Plus the current President of India APJ Abdul Kalam, a Muslim. All of these people have lived in, worked for and loved India as their country, as have the other 120 million Muslims in India. Is it fair to say that every Muslim is against India? Would you say every Tamil is against India because of the TNLA?

Q: Most of the world's terrorists are Muslims. Terrorist groups' goal is to try and kill non-Muslims as part of jehad.
A: The largest and most powerful group on India's list of terrorist organisations is the LTTE, an almost entirely Hindu
organization. In the world, one of the worst slaughters in the last ten years was the killing of nearly 10,00,000 people
in Rwanda; the killers were the Tutsi community, who are mostly Christian. Some of the worst killers were the Nazis in
Germany, who slaughtered 1.2 crore people. They didn't even have a religion; they said they worshipped the German
Fatherland. People of all religions and all communities have brutally killed innocent people at one time or another.
Many Muslims have also died because of terrorism. In Kashmir, the majority of the people who have died have been Muslims.
The militants have killed approximately three times more Muslims than Hindus. One last thing to think about the very
first terrorist act in free India was the killing of Mahatma Gandhi. He was killed by Nathuram Godse, who had links to
the Hindu Mahasabha. The Mahasabha and the RSS were opposed to Gandhi because he had worked for peace between Hindus and

Q: The Muslims always start violence. In Gujarat, they started it by burning the train at Godhra. Hindus only attack out
of revenge.
A: The train burning at Godhra was horrible and condemnable, but there was violence at Godhra well before the train burning.
In fact, the VHP members on the Sabarmati Express killed a Muslim man the previous week. As for revenge, every group not
just Hindus - always claims to be acting in revenge. After the demolition of the Babri Masjid, the Shiv Sena killed hundreds
of Muslims in the Bombay riots. Then Dawood Ibrahim set off two bombs and killed 300 people (including some Muslims) to
take revenge at the Shiv Sena. Then the Shiv Sena killed several hundred more Muslims, again in revenge. This will just
go on, and on, and on. Meanwhile, as another example, supporters of Al-Qaeda said they demolished the World Trade Centre in revenge for the 200,000 Iraqis killed by the Americans.

For all these groups the Shiv Sena, Dawood Ibrahim, the VHP, Al-Qaeda revenge has just become an excuse to build up their
power and to kill innocent people. There were many Hindu children killed in the train at Godhra and many more Muslim
children killed in Ahmedabad and the rest of Gujarat. Can anyone justify taking revenge on children? A Tamil killed
Rajiv Gandhi. How would you feel if someone killed your children in revenge for that?

Q; The RSS, the VHP, and similar organisations are pro-Hindu and fight for Hindus welfare.

A; The VHP killed many Hindus in Gujarat because they tried to save their Muslim neighbors from mobs. Meena, a Hindu woman
married to a Muslim, was burned to death for her crime. Several Gandhians and human rights activists were told that they
would be killed if they criticized the VHP any more. Many have fled the country. The VHP is opposed by almost every other
Hindu religious leader. Five of the seven akhadas in Ayodhya, as well all the four main Shankaracharyas (Dwarka, Puri,
Joshimath and Sringeri), have condemned the VHP. A few months ago, the Shankaracharya of Goverdhanpuri said the VHP is a
terrorist organisation and should be banned. Even the priest of the Ram idols in the Babri Masjid said the VHP was just
exploit[ing] the religious issue and said he opposed the plan to demolish the mosque. He was killed by unknown assailants'
two years later. Trustees of the Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas, the trust made to build the Ayodhya temple, say the VHP has stolen
a lot of the money meant for the temple.

The VHP and its supporting organisations believe that Hindus should be fighting other religions, and for that they are
willing to do anything even attacking temples themselves. In Coimbatore in March, the police caught a Hindu Munnani leader
when he was hanging a cherupu-malai around an idol. He wanted to make it look like the Muslims had done it. In Gujarat,
the Hindutva groups spread lies about the rape of Hindu women so that Hindus would come out and join them in killing

Finally, these organisations have killed approximately 5,000 people in the last fifteen years. Are Hindus any betters off?
Has anyone gained because of the bloodshed? Should Hinduism or Hindus be proud because ten-year-old Muslim children were
burnt to death in Gujarat?

These groups aren't protecting Hindus they are making sure that Hindus and Muslims will be killing each other for generations to come.

Peace to all!

I am not sure what this article has to do with "485 Issues in Vermont Service Center" (thats what the Forum name says).

This forum is for Immigration issues, plz post such articles at a different bulletin boards where people discuss religion and other topics on these lines.

dont post such stuff

I did not even read ur post
stop posting such thing on this forum go elsewhere if you have no job

You are right in many ways about what you said regarding VHP etc. I gree they are fanatic. But the whole point that you are missing is that the rise of Hindu fundamentalism has happened since late 80s and that happened as a natural reaction to the constant pin-pricking by the fanatic Muslim organizations who have been destabilising the country since even before independence at the behest of their sympathetic Paki brothers. The Babri Masjid issue cropped up because the courts deliberately kept the case going on forever (I guess it started in 1901) and till date there has been no decision. The courts were under pressure of the so-called secular lobbies who did not want the "vote bank" to slip out of their hands. Yes what happend in 1991 was bad but tell me if that structure that you call Babri masjid was even a mosque. After all Hindus had been worshipping in it since 1949 and it always had idols of Ram in it. How can that structure be called a Mosque in the first place where Muslims have never worshipped since 1905 and before and Hindus had always been going there to worship. It actually became a Mosque only in 1991 when Narsimha Rao went on TV and did the most stupid thing of his life calling it a mosque and trying to spread phobia in minds of his vote bank that somehow he was going to fix everything. But unfortunately what you dont see is that all this happened only because the so-called secular parties, under pressure from Muslim fanatic organizations which are very well funded by Arabs and ISI friends of theirs, had for decades continued to play around with the emotions of the Hindu people. I agree it is just a structure and not really worth so many lives but if it were the decision of Hindus to leave it as it is then it would have been ok but since the Arab countries' constant blackmail (you know OIL embargo...) and fanatic Muslims' constant threats of voilence and vote changing kept on going on and on for many many decades then the Hindu fundamentalism also grew.

You quoted RSS as being the one which never wanted peace, well I think you are either illiterate or totally ignorant about them.
I will not elaborate more on that because one can write a whole epic on that subject. Gandhiji was murdered not by RSS but by a lunatic who had left RSS. He did a very wrong thing but his reason was not that he wanted Hindus to butcher Muslims or that he was motivated by RSS, but simply that Gandhiji was sending crores in economic aid to Pakistan at a time when Pakis were raiding and killing Kashmiris and when millions of Hindus, who were being mercilessly kicked out of Pakistan, were languishing in camps in inhumane conditions. His reason was more of putting a point across that Gandhiji had lost focus of the underlying issues of persecution of Hindus by Muslims. Hindu tolerance is unparalled in this aspect. For your information before partition the Hindus and Sikhs were 44% of the population of Pakistani Punjab while today they are less that 0.8%. There are still many Punjabi Muslims in Pakistan who still have the same last name as Ahluwalia, Bajwa, Shamsher, Bhamdari, Kalra, Gauhar, Jauhri etc (read Pakistani newpapers and you willk now - some of the famous personalities in Pakistan have those last names) but they adopted Muslim first names only to save their lives form being uprooted. I dont think even a single Muslim did that in India who stayed back. If Hindus were truly fanatic there would not have been a single Muslim left in India. At least not 150 million for sure (or 30 million as they were in '47)

You raised the point of Indonesia being tolerant. You must have simply lost your mind in the dark dark woods. Just recently there was bomb blast in Bali which is mostly Hindu Island. That location was chosen because it was believed to be least likely target because Hindus were in majority in Bali. Muslim organizations for years have harrased Hindus in Indonesia because Hindus had turned Indonesia into a "soft" Muslim country. You can do more research on that yourself. It was on CNN today. They believe Hindus were too liberal to fit into the Islamic framework.

It's true that most butchery has been done in the History by Christians. They certainly, since crusades - till recent history have indulged in mass murder motivated either by religion or race. But Muslims crimes against their own women folk and intolerance towards other religions are well documented and well in display. It is well known that more that 50% muslim women worldwide are circumcised which completely deprives them of sexual stimulation so that they can never betray their husbands. Infact even American Muslims of South Asian and Middle-eastern descent still follow this inhumane practise. The objective is to make the woman fully subservient to her Master. Such heinous crimes against humanity have been committed by 1 billion Muslims against at least 250 million women folk. Strange but true. Deobandi schools and Wahabi sects have turned Islam into political organizations not religions.

The porpose of religion is to give salvation to human beings and to give philosophical and emotional help. Not to indulge in mass craving for power. Buddha gave up all his powerful positions and riches in life to find truth and salvation. He did not venture out to tell people that he was the real god and the only god so everyone must unite under his banner and force others to believe in him so that we all achieve our collective goal of attaining God over whom we have a copyright. He did not seek to create a politcal or military organization but to himself attain truth and salvation and to feel the existence to God in his precincts. Sacrifices make one attain salvation and only sacrifices can make one great. Ram sacrificed all worldly pleasures to help the oppressed. I can go on and on and tell you where we get our inspiration from - great men like Swami Vivekanad. But look at Osama and his gang of thugs. Look where they get their inspirations from. Look at what they do. Look at how they do. I believe it is a crime to even think that he and his fellow thugs and those thugs who love him will ever attain salvation and ever get to see the Supreme power.

Problem is that Hindus have some crazy people who have been literally driven to the point of craziness by fanatic Muslims. While Muslims are full of people who believe that their religion is the most oppressed one of all other religions and that they are constantly at war with other people to defend themselves. What is strange is that Muslims have this fear Psychosis even in their own countries where they are 99% or more of the population. They have developed enormous inferiority complex and live under denial and enormous guilt.

Recently I have been reading a lot of newspaper articles on Pakistani news websites many of the highly educated writer have written that Pakistan does not need democarcy but a benign dicatatorship. They say that the sophisticated system of democracy is totally contrary to the ideals of Islam and it will create more problems than it will solve. I was shocked at reading this. Free expression and free spirit are basic human instincts and when you deprive humans of their basic instincts or you suppress them then the volcano of frustration starts heating up. When it will explode it wil not only destroy Islamic society but also others along with it. Hence other faiths react adversely towards Islam becuase they know the level of problems you guys have and the kind of problems you guys can create for others. With the medium of Internet and media even the previously ignorant people are realising it now. Hence the anti-Islamic reactions world-wide.
Wow ! WHat a mind boggling discussion. Worc123 and Mallu123 you have shown tremendous power in your thoughts because you grew in India. That's really wonderfull.
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let me add a few more things. You mentioned LTTE being a Hindu organization. I truly dislike them but let me tell you that there are several Christian and Muslim Tamils too who are its members. I don't think you know even 1% percent about the Sri Lankan Tamils struggle, which has nothing to do with religion and more to do with ethnic differences. I am talking about the same ethnic differences that led to milions getting butchered in East Pakistan (Bangaldesh) and Yugoslavia.

About temples desecration, I agree that some Hindu maharajas did indulge in looting of Jain & Buddhist temples but as you yourself said those were motivated by economic reasons. Nowhere in history can can you find any instance where Hindus looted and plundered minority holy places just for religious reasons and as for Babri Masjid I have already told you that it was not a mosque. It was a temple of Hindus but mosque only for Narsimha Rao and his vote bank. Infact if you read not only Indian medieval History but also middle-eastern history (including Israel, Egypt, etc.) you will find numerous and countless instances where Islamic invaders not just plundered and looted the non-Islamic institutions but also rebuilt Mosques/minarets out of the same rubble to declare the superiority of Islam over the other religion. Qutub Minar in Delhi is a classic and living example of that. Strangely the Hindu mindset turned it into a tourist destination. Zoroastrian religion (Parsis) was wiped out of Iran through brutal force and thousands of Zoroastrian temples were razed to the ground and converted to mosques. Judea and Samaria are terms which have become abhorrent in Israel because it can open a whole can of worms for Islamic scholars. The scars of destruction and death wreaked upon by Muslim invaders and zealots can be found all over western China and Central Asia. Only recently talibans had destroyed Bamiyan Buddhas even though nobody worshipped them and they had only a historical and cultural significance. Thosands of abandoned Hindu/Sikh/Jain temples were destroyed in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Kashmir after the so-called mosque - Babri Masjid was destroyed. Only last week several Hindu temples were desecrated in Bangladesh because Durga Puja festival was about to start. There are thousands of instances to report and thousands of happenings to document, which time and again prove Islamic intolerance - the scars of which are to be found in every nook and corner of India. Islamic institutions, in such cases, have not only been motivated by greed but also their fanatical zeal to impose their ideology over others. Not one but millions of forced conversions are proof of this.

Yes, not all muslims are corrupt and not all are traitors. Not all are crazy and not all intolerant. Just like all five fingers of a hand are not the same length, so there is diversity of opinion in every faith. But the Islamic community is much more polarized than any other. The Islamic institutions enforce the strict observance of their "PRACTISES" rather than belief in true purpose of religion. The true objective of human exsitence is lost in the sea of complex and ridiculous practises and weird & fantasaical ideology. Just like communism, Islam is very much a bookish and theoretical religion which enforces it's ideology in form of strict rule of law without dissent and without reasoning. The over-arching emphasis on the existence of just Allah and only Allah as the true, final and the only God is more a creation of an over-zealous mind with little scientific probing. If you read the history of creation of Islam in Arabia you will realize why it spread so fast in Arabian countries. It was motivated not by the realization of the true supreme power but more as a political and social force which lifted millions from the socio-poiltical morass those people found theselves in at that time. It had lilttle or nothing to do with faith in God. It is true that it created a vastly sophisticated and very uplifitng culture of that time but "only for that time". With changing times and changing socio-economic political realities the traditional Islam found itself as a misfit. Thus arose the Wahabi ideology and several other schools of thoughts. The more moderate became Sufis. But their numbers are now dwindling. The Islam of middle ages was the most developed culture because the concepts of democracy and religious tolerance were non-existent even in Western countries, whose greatness also arose froim their religiously motivated victories. But the economic prosperity of the west particularly the England's rise and creation of United States as an ecomic power gave strength to democratic institutions and thus came the biggest challenge for Islam. The prosperity of West in Late 19th Century and whole 20th Century put Islam on backfoot. The Islamic scholars were a complete odds to see that once dictatorial west and fanatically religious churches could get wiped by their own people through a very harmonious transition to democracy. The free spirit and and high sense of jurisprudence led to enormous rise of West which completely shocked the Islamic world. Today they find themselves as having completely missed the bus. Now they find theselves in catch 22 situation wherein they cannot go completely the way of the west nor can they go fanatic like Talibans because they know that would only lead to throwing open of their frustrations but no real social justice. The riddle is getting more and more complex not for non-Muslims but actually for muslims themelves.

The Islamic religious leaders find their own folks riddled with confusion and lack of a sense of true direction. This provides them an opportunity that even Lallo Yadav would salivate on. The Islamic leaders are truly misguiding their own people and leading a mass of illiterate and directionless herd of sheep. They are feeding on the minds and thoughts of ordinary Muslims just as locusts feed on open farms. The same thought process led to the creation of Pakistan. Jinnah was hardly a Muslim. He smoked in mosques and openely called Mullahs as idiots. He never prayed even once a day and ridiculed maulvis. Still his locust like mind did exactly what Osama and his folks are doing to the innocent and ignorant Muslims. The biggest evildoers amongst Muslims are actually the highly educated and financially rich elite class. Jinnah was one. Osama too is in the same league. The reason ignorant and ordinary Muslims are easy victims because they are deprived of the free thought process that only true democracies can give them. But then free thought process can also weaken Islam because then people will know more about the history of their own religion and life history of the Prophet (which btw is very controversial). Then people could even question the very existence of Allah. Thus the biggest threat to Islam if from democracy. Hence so much resistence to provide true democracy to its followers.

As for violence due to reprisals, this has been going on since long. The intensity has increased only because the Islamic riddle keeps getting more and more complex in the the minds of Muslims.

Take it from me. You need to sit in a room for several hours all by yourself and need to ask yourself who are you and what are you. Who created you and for what purpose. What is God and why he created human beings. Ask yourself does he even exist. Would it even matter if he didnt exist. As a human what are your responsibilities. What is your responsibility towards yourself, your family, your culture, your country, this world. Talk to yourself and seek answers within yourself. The only true guide is self-introspection. If you truly believe there is god then find Him in your heart and you will attain Him. You will never get god by worshipping 50 million times. He is not just in Churches, Temples, mosques. Because God is everywhere. He is omnipresent and omnipotent and he is the most benevolent. Achieveing God is actually the simplest task in this world. Just find him in your heart and remove all malice from your heart toward one and all and you will attain him. It just cannot be simpler than that. If everybody realises this fact there will be no Osama or Jinnah in this world. Read Vivekanand and that will change your world for ever. Vivekananad is neither Hindu, nor Christian nor Muslim. He is the one in all and all in one. The true Human.