Family-Sponsored Cut-Off not moving?


New Member
Does anyone know why the cut-off date for Family-1st-Preference applications has basically not moved since May of this year? It's currently stuck on 22APR01. I find this strange for a couple of reasons. First it was moving along at a rate of about one month for every month that passed until May. Secondly the cut-off date for 2nd-Preference (people sponsored by permanent-resident parents, not citizen parents) applications has actually progressed past April 2001.

It seems that none of the immigration attorneys I ask have a good answer for this, so I would be grateful for any help or advice anyone could offer.

Just as a little bit of a background, just so that I don't get the "aren't you already a citizen" responses: I was born overseas, and despite the fact that my mother is a US citizen, I did not automatically derive citizenship because she did not fulfill "minimum residency requirements", a legal technicality.

Thanks in advance.