Falsified Visa Use


Registered Users (C)
I'm concerned about someone who is here in the US on a student visa and had altered documents using a relatives name to work full time. Are these serious implications? or is it something minor that will most likely be over looked.
Yes, I have heard. The amazing thing however, the lady in question is still working is is not to worried. She's been doing this since August of 2002. By August of this year, she feels for some reason or another she will have no problem going forward. She is a bit worried but not to a great degree.
As long as bcis doesn't find out before the friend gets his/her permanent residency it should be fine. But how can somebody on f1 visa "falsify" work documents? this is very fraudulent and it gives a bad name to the immigrant community. Why can't your friend just do the legal thing and work?