F1 stamping question


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Hello all,

I entered the US on an F2 visa as a dependant of my father when I was in high school, and then changed to F1 status as I started college. My father returned to India after finishing his degree. My F2 has expired and now I am on F1 status. I have finished 2 yrs of my undergrads and am visiting India in the summer. Obviously I will need to get an F1 visa stamp in India. My questions are:

1) Will I be eligible for doing a drop-box application as compared to an interview at the consulate/embassy?

2) Suppose I have to be interviewed, will I still be required to establish my intention of return, as compared to someone who is going for their F1 for the first time and have never been to the US?

3) Whether the fact that I am half way in my studies, that too a
big amount of financial aid of the University has already been used for my
studies, could be an important factor in allowing the visa?

I know my situation/questions are very specific, but I will greatly appreciate any input.

Thank you.
Better to go in person

because using drop box is mostly for same visa category. Even though you are in same F category your classification has changed from dependent F1 i.e. F2 to a primary F1 so better go in person and not arouse any suspicions. If they get any doubt then can call you in person or decline, what are the options then?

> 2) Suppose I have to be interviewed, will I still be required to establish my intention of return, as compared to someone who is going for their F1 for the first time and have never been to the US?

The positive aspect of your case is you can say my father returned and I too aim on doing the same thing. Because you finished high school you tought of continuing college education without breaks.

> 3) Whether the fact that I am half way in my studies, that too a
big amount of financial aid of the University has already been used for my studies, could be an important factor in allowing the visa?

Not a concern but make sure you have all documents about financial aid (scholarship) from the University. Also make arrangements to show financial affidavit of support covering the amounts that is not covered by your financial aid.
No Title

1) Yes you definitely are eligible for a drop box applicant for the visa to get a stamp because your college will provide you with a letter saying that you are a current student at the college.

2) I think because of the fact that your father returned after his graduation so they might not ask you about returning back, but any ways even if you don\'t want to leave the US after completion of your studies you still have to show them that you will return after your done with your studies.

3) Yes definitely it is .