F1 spouse and kids wnating to move in to US


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F1 spouse and kids wanting to move in to US

My wife is in US doing her MBA on a F1 ,just entered US a week ago.

I am a businessman from India and with 2 school going kids.What is the best route for me to make it to US?

I learnt that F2 guys can't work;then what is the way out? Can I shuttle on a B1/B2 with my kids on F2? To make matters more complicated,I had 2 B1/B2 rejections 2 years ago. :eek:

If I come to US,can I start some business ? which category should I apply under? verymuch confusing Indeed!

Can anyone ( I am sure this kind of situations many would have faced and successfully resolved too) throw some light on this??
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