Expidite request response from VSC - they called me


Registered Users (C)
I sent an expedite request to VSC 2 weeks ago, fax and letter, basically saying my wifes I-485 had been approved on their website and we had received an email saying such and asking why was my application not approved as I was the primary applicant and she was a derivative applicant.

Somebody from VSC called me at work last week to discuss my case, he basically said my wifes application should not have been approved before mine as all derivative applications can't be approved until the primary is approved, so basically hers was not approved and somebody had probably just punched in some wrong numbers when they were updating their website.
So I asked once I got my 2nd fingerprint done how long should it be before approval, he said officially 2 months but if he was being honest more likely 4 months.

I got my 2nd fingerprints done this weekend so I am hoping approval by January and then I can save a couple of hundred bucks by not getting our 4th EAD's.