Experience with getting help from congressman.


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Here is my story.

My receipt date is March 11th, 2005.
I completed and passed test, interview and done done fingerprinting by August 26th, 2005.
Since then i have been told that i am pending the name check.

A fews ago i called and was told my case was approved and i was just pending an oath ceremony. I was excited but then i read someone else's experience where they were told the same thing and was not actually approved. I decided to call back to be on the safe side where i was told that my case was not even approved and was still pending. I had reached the end of my rope. I wrote a letter to my congressman and my case has been assigned. THe case-worker was very kind and said that she would send a letter to try to get this expedited. Anyone else tried this and did it work for you? What was the outcome?
Here is my story.

My receipt date is March 11th, 2005.
I completed and passed test, interview and done done fingerprinting by August 26th, 2005.
Since then i have been told that i am pending the name check.

A fews ago i called and was told my case was approved and i was just pending an oath ceremony. I was excited but then i read someone else's experience where they were told the same thing and was not actually approved. I decided to call back to be on the safe side where i was told that my case was not even approved and was still pending. I had reached the end of my rope. I wrote a letter to my congressman and my case has been assigned. THe case-worker was very kind and said that she would send a letter to try to get this expedited. Anyone else tried this and did it work for you? What was the outcome?

Welcome aboard. Glad to know you found this site. ;)

How many infopasses have you done? What's been your experience with that? Also, what's your SC/DO?

My experience calling the 800# and talking to an actual IO went like this:
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You were right to contact the Rep, it all depends on the aides who work in that office though. They do all the work in the name of the Rep.
From what I have seen on this forum the USCIS help line is useless and an InfoPass appt is more effective especially in such delayed cases.
Welcome aboard. Glad to know you found this site. ;)

How many infopasses have you done? What's been your experience with that? Also, what's your SC/DO?

My experience calling the 800# and talking to an actual IO went like this:

First, thank you very much for telling me about this site. It's very much more active

I have only had 1 infopass and i got the same information i got online and at the end, she gave me a letter that said, I am pending a background check.

I have called the 800 number numerous times, sometimes about 4 times in one day. I have had to be transferred since my case never coms up in the automted system. During one of such calls, i was told that my case is approved. Unfortunately i had not seen this site and had not been documenting anything. I was so excited, i posted on the other site. I called my mother, sister, friends. I went back to read if anyone had responded and saw your response. After reading your experience, i decided to call ack to be on the safe side. Well, i called and was told, there is no approval, they dont even know why i was told that. Well, i could have cried. Anyway,i decided to call back to see what would happen and i was given different information every tie. One said, it was in review for manager, second said, it was still with adjudication officer. It was different everytime. Anyway, tired with the system, i wrote my congressman March 22nd, 2007. I spoke to my case-worker this morning who said she would write and try to get my case expedited. I don't know what will come of that but i do know that if nothign happens, i will begin suing in federal court. This is the last straw. My daughter's father is still in Guyana and i am going home to be married to him on June 9th, without my citizenship, i don't know how long it will take for him to get here. I will not take no for an answer anymore.
Hope it works out for you. Can't you postpone the wedding, it may be easier to bring him here on the fiance visa(K1?) after you become citizen.
You were right to contact the Rep, it all depends on the aides who work in that office though. They do all the work in the name of the Rep.
From what I have seen on this forum the USCIS help line is useless and an InfoPass appt is more effective especially in such delayed cases.


I just noticed your sig. - you have already taken the oath! CONGRATULATIONS!

Since you have been through the whole excercise, can you shed any light on this whole thing about security/background checks still pending AFTER passing a successful interview (as in mine & wife's case)? Did your IO tell you anything about a supervisor needing to check your app? My experience calling the 800# and talking to an actual IO:
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Hope it works out for you. Can't you postpone the wedding, it may be easier to bring him here on the fiance visa(K1?) after you become citizen.

Plans have already gone through for the wedding. We have decided to just go through with it. God knows it's been long enough. I will wait and see if i get through with citizenship and then file the spousal which i think is the K3.
We will see what happens.:confused:
Mario, sorry I can't help you with the name check info. That is a mystery and all we have is a jumble of data, pieces of a puzzle when we don't even know what the puzzle looks like.
I never asked my IO about it during the iview. I did not call the FBI for fingerprints either. My rationale was why try to find out about things we can't control or modify.
It is very unfair that some finish the process in 5 months while others wait 15 months.
Since the case doesn't show up in the online systems, its a fair bet its stuck at the local DO - either in namecheck, or at the bottom of someone's desk. First thing I would do is go have an Infopass at that DO, because if anyone can help, its them.

Assistance from your Representative may help, but at the end of the day you might need to sue them.
I'd take an infopass and find all all I could before talking to the congressman's (or senator's) aid. What you want to have is a good sob story.

You want them to believe (from your recitation of facts, not from a recitation of complaints), that your case is the most deserving of all the others that they have sitting on their desk. The more information about what went wrong in spite of all of your good efforts and in spite of your enthusiam about the USofA, the more they will likely feel like taking up your cause.