Evidence for computer skills?


Registered Users (C)
I got RFE for computer skills, it says "other than beneficiary's resume, please submit evidence that the beneficiary meets all qualifications as specified on the ETA-750". I listed following: SAS, Enterprice Miner, SQL, UNIX, Microsoft Office, Photoshop 5.5, FrontPage 98. I took courses in my previous employers but no certificates were issued. I still have program I wrote before, but how can I justify that these were written by me?

Any suggestions on how to supply evidence on computer skills?
I guess you should get experience letters from your earlier and present employers describing the detailed functions and the tools you use.
What does your lawyer say ?
My previous employment letter does not specifically state what skills I have. It's not a recommendation letter. It's just an evidence showing that I worked there during what period and my title.

This is ridiculous, they even ask for evidence for MS Office skill.

The thing is how to show the evidence. I can think about is

1. printout of programs I wrote before.
2. Photocopy of the textbook with my name on it.
3. Evidence letter of my former colleagues
4. Printout of my presentation showing that SAS, SQL etc was used.
5. Evidence letter from my present company stating that I had the ability of using Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, etc) when they hired me and I am still using nowadays.

What else can I present? I am not sure if above will really work.
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I will probably hear back from my lawyer tomorrow.

When you say reference letter, does it mean a letter from HR or my previous colleagues or supervier? I don't think HR will issue a letter with specific job descriptions for me, since the company has thousands of employees.

Do you think reference letter from present employer will do the work?
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Called my lawyer. She will take care of degree evaluation. I need to get reference letter for skills.

Seems not that tough now.


Did you submit a degree evaluation in the original filing?

If not, maybe what the RFE refers to is your degree (INS wants your degree to match with your LC) instead of your skill set.

Do you have the exact wording of the RFE?

If they ask for "qualifications", they may refer to the degree. It will depend on the exact wording of your RFE.
They did asked for foreign degree evaluation report in the same RFE. My laywer is wating for degree translation. Also they ask for transcript from a university here in US. The third one is for evidence of skills.

So maybe it was because of no transcript submitted that I got too much attention. Most of my friends had foreign college degrees. None of them were required to submit evaluation report.

By the way, my BA and Master degree are all in business. But in ETA-750, special skills were listed, such as UNIX, SAS, MS Office....... So my degree don't justify the skills even if evealuation report was sumbitted.
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Experience letter from co-worker

Received RFE on I140 asking to submit the experience letters from previous companies. I am not able to get in touch with one of my earlier employers to request the letter. Can we get experience evaluation from the co-worker? Should it be notarized if we get it from co-worker? Does anybody know the format of experience letter from co-worker? Please help.
