Everyone is kinda missing the point


Registered Users (C)
What is the real reason behind this slowness of 485. TSC has been throwing smoke bombs at us for quite a while, dodging the bullets, and unwilling to say it out loud "we don't want you, we want your money, pay me and get the hell out of my country!".
We ( actually I ) want to hear something that is meaningful, even if it is bad news. I hate politics, no one is man enough to say the truth, unless he/she is dying (another good thing about Christianity, no offense).

I am so disapointed that I almost agree with you. It may have some hiden reason.
Just one question remains. Why the other Service Centers have normally approved people?
It is just Texas police?


I believe major reason behind sluggish processing of 485 is slow economy. Naturally, if US citizens loosing jobs by such a high rate, why would they want to process and give resident status to immigrants based on employment (EB). I hate to admit, but if you think about it little hard then it's not that unfair that processing of EB 485 is slow.
Then why it's only Totally Stalled Center?

I would agree with you guys, if all other Service Centers show the same pattern. The sad truth is only TSC is lagging the pack.
I also agree with the statement that says it's not up to the officials, but mostly to their management, which especially after they became the BCIS is slower than before.
It's not matter of money, it really doesn't matter how much you want to shell on your case, it will not go faster. The BCIS allowed the C-9 filing in a attempt to ease the delay. It seems to be working in other SCs. Not at Totally Stalled Center.

What can we do about it? Very little, since not only we're not citizens, but also seems to be we have no rights either. Just looking around, there is a forum for I-130 processing (Family Based), where the sponsor IS an USC, and they are in the same boat. They even made demonstrations in Texas, and talked (being USCs they were received, but their requests forgoten) to TSC manager. They got nothing really meaningful, a few protestors got their cases expedited (I mean, pulled from the lower end of the drawer), but no real changes.

Yes, you can address your local Congressman; but the new answer is: if the time shown at the BCIS site for your case is not exhausted, please wait and come back when it's over.

You can even escalate your case in the new 800 number. If the "ever stretching" time shown in case is not expired, you won't go beyond the first tier. If you're lucky (and an attorney), you may get to the second, and even the third tier, only to get a dull written answer 30 days later. Forget FOIA it's also after the time is over.

So, my friends, the name of the game is PATIENCE!
Frustrated? YES.

To take it with a grain of salt, have a look at this thread:

It's the best insight I had seen since I joined the forum.