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Europe only up 500 whats going on??


Registered Users (C)

Just checked the visa bullitin and Europe has only moved up only 500 places why has it gone up so little? is there something wrong??

My number is 124xx and i was hoping to get called in February the latest March now im not sure if il make it at all. When should i expect an interview now if i should even expect one at all?

Cheers Folks
I know that this is a very stressing time. I experienced it too : my number was current since April 06 ( DV 05 ), but for some reason, I only got called on June 1st.
So, please continue to believe. Just be ready: check your documents : do you have them all ? are they correct ? translations needed ?
What is possible is that they had scheduled too many interviews and did not have the time to have them all. So, now, they only went 500up to catch up.
Hi Catseyes, I have notice, from most of replies, that you don’t care to understand the question before you give out comments. I appreciate your commitment and quick response but you have to take time to understand the question first. Look at what you just said to this guy. It does not at fit together.

I meant in my post : the DV is a stressing experience.
All you can do is hope / pray from the beginning : 1st to be amongst the winners, then to have a low number for your region, then to be called, and finally to be successful ( no delays, all documenst ok...).
All I was saying to the guy is that he should hope, and be prepared for his interview. It can be in May, but who can predict ?!
Then I tried to give one possible reason why the numbers went only 500up.
There can be more, but delays in processing is usually the reason.

You can maybe just ignore me if I annoy you that much, and do not read any of my posts if you don't think they can help people ( especially the big post for general info for DV winners ...).

I did not come to this forum just to suck up info and never give back. I posted my experience, and in my history of more than 175 posts, I think I helped a few people. I joined after becoming a LPR. I'm not sure you are able to say so with your 8 posts so far. So, please first look in the mirror before criticizing others.
Even if I acknowledge that recently I was no longer that much involved in the forum, and my posts were no longer that helpful, I think I passed on my knowledge. Now it's time for other people to post their experience and knowledge.
Now it's time for me to move on. I was a 05 DV winner, now other people can help.

Happy New Year. May it be a year when all numbers will be current, so that everybody gets the chance to fulfill all their dreams ( including the GC dream ).
See you all in the " After the GC and USC " forum !
Cheers !
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Hey Folks,
I called KCC concerning low cut-off numbers. The feedback is that a lot of cases are still outstanding in various embassies and consulates, necessitating the need to slow down the numbers! For how long, your guess is as good as mine???

Lets look on the brighter side :cool:
Ubus said:
Hey Folks,
I called KCC concerning low cut-off numbers. The feedback is that a lot of cases are still outstanding in various embassies and consulates, necessitating the need to slow down the numbers! For how long, your guess is as good as mine???

Lets look on the brighter side :cool:

Thank you Ubus. At least we know the reason for the low cut-off numbers now. I hope it will progress enough next month to make up the last two months.