error in birth certificate


New Member
My husband recently received an RFE for his 485 asking for 2 yrs W2, EVL & birth certificate.

His birth certificate from Bombay muncipal corp gives his name as Rai Vincent Das. It was never corrected.
His school records, Passport & all other records have name as Wilson Das.

We got an affidavit from his parents saying that his birth certificate has the name wrong
Now his lawyer wants an affidavit from BMC saying that the name is wrong.
What are our options??
Any help??

WAC 02041*****
The safest thing is to get a corrected birth cert. from BMC. I Know, its not that simple but this is important.
I am from Mumbai too.
You have no idea how easy this thing is in Mumbai to get
a revised birth certificate.

For last 32 years I never had a Birth Certificate but they had
my records in Chembur. Can you beleive it? They have records
for last 30 years....on paper? :D

The first time they issued they got the spelling wrong.

My Mom mailed it to me and then I realized that the spelling
was wrong. She went the next day and got a a new one
issued with the right spelling.

Same problem! Or rather similar, the name of the birth place is spelt differently slightly in my passport and birth certificate. Don't know how it is going to affect my case, but I hope there is no serious problem.

In your case, getting an affidavit is going to be difficult, so as suggested above get a new birth certificate issued. Shouldn't take too long in Bombay! :) (I totally refuse to call it Mumbai)!

And I will stick to Mumbai. It was the original name. British
screwed it up. I lived in Mumbai all my life and saw streets
name change from English to Indian.

Lot of people complained about the name change and lot
of people like you said they will refuse to call it anything
but the old English names.

Trust me. This name changed has worked. 10 years later
everybody knows Mumbai and another 10 years later nobody
will know Bombay.

I went to Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute but now I am
alumni of Veer Jeejamata Technical Institute. :). Note acronym
VJTI stays the same.

I prefer Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus instead of Victoria Terminus.
Dunno what Queen Victoria did for us to honor her instead of

Where I lived in the city the names of the areas were largely
named after British officers which were not exactly benevolent
or kind to Indian people. Its just insulting to have names like
Reay Road or Sandhurst road when all they did was screw up
our country and mess with our people.

I am a Indian and I prefer to use Indian names for everything
in my country. And I love it. I don't want to use stupid screwed
up names left behind by the British. The British had an excuse.
Their language is limited in vowels and so they are restricted
in their enunciation. But if you dear friend, know a little bit of
Hindi then you should be able to pronounce and write any
word in any language of the world. And if such is the case then
as a Indian you should show some pride and twist that angrezi
tongue of yours a little and say Aamchi Mumbai. It will sound
just right and music to your ears.

When I came to USA six years back the INS officer asked me
if I liked the new name change to Mumbai.

I said "Hell Yeah". He smiled and stamped my I94.
I know the solution to your problem

Hi -

I went through the same problem, and there are a couple of solutions:

1. Best solution: You could have the Indian Embassy in SFO issue you a BC. I think if you can provide your High School certificate and Passport, they will issue you a BC.

2. Second Best solution: Getting an affidavit from your parent.

Both works.

BC issued by the Indian Consulate does not conform to requirement of birth certificate required by law. This BC goes like this... "as per the information given on the password, so and so was born on....".

don't waste money and time getting this one. Getting a real birth certificate from India is not very difficult. Someone need to visit the city office... thats it. Rephrasing it..., no matter how much difficult, it is worth... INS may deny 485 (or intent to deny...) unless long form birth certificate is not provided. Its written in USC (United States Code) as a requirement ...
Thank u all for ur replies,

Well, my father is going to go to go to BMC & try for getting a corrected Birth certificate.

Will keep u updated with the progress & results.
Birth Certificate from Indian Embassy is not valid for immigration purposes, it is best to get an affadavit which is very easy or a BC which is slightly tougher!
Re: Spam:

Originally posted by desi-bartender
And I will stick to Mumbai. It was the original name. British
screwed it up. I lived in Mumbai all my life and saw streets
name change from English to Indian.

I prefer Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus instead of Victoria Terminus.
Dunno what Queen Victoria did for us to honor her instead of

And this is an argument that can go on till the end of time! :) Just for the sake of argument, here are a few of my points:
1. The only reason "Bombay" became what it is today is because of the importance and attention it received from the British. A similar analogy would be birth mother compared to adopted mother who nourishes the child. Left to itself, the chances are remote that Bombay would become the jewel in the crown as compared to hundreds of other sea side villages like it on the western coast before the British laid hands on it.

2. I would still agree to name changes if they made sense. Most of them are political moves to appease the sons of the soil for election purposes, and I see no reason to give in to simple crowd pleasing tactics.

3. The names of British officers who grace some of the roads, might be offensive to the local populance, but can you deny the fact that they are the ones responsible for introducing technology and by existing were responsible for the rest of India uniting under the Mahatma against them? If they din't play the role they did, we would all be different countries in the Indian sub-continent, considering every province was ruled by a prince.

4. The names also signify a link to your past, like it or not they were here, they build the streets that you lived on, and hence by virtue of that deserve some credit as compared to some half assed politicians who seem to be cornering the market on naming all public monuments etc. after themselves.

5. As far as English being limited and preventing you from spelling out phontically each and every word in the world, I hope you do realise that we wouldn't be here without it. :) The whole reason why India has become the backoffice of the world is because of its mastery over English. Since the British were such good empire builders and took their culture everywhere, we share common bonds with a majority of the world where English is spoken and we can get our message across faster, better and smoother than most other nationalities that don't have our advantage.

6. Not to mention the expense involved in changing road signs when people don't have food to eat and beggers abound.

7. As far as "Bombay" being forgotten, that is the way it is, nothing I can do about the general public but in my mind it never will be lost.

Don't get me wrong, I have no issues about Aamchi Mumbai, and I say it proudly, but it will always remain Bombay to me. I grew up there, lived there all my life before coming here and will most probably go back to die. :)
changing names of the cities is bad. stupid politicians and stupid public don't want to concentrate on real issues in India. 90% public in India is completely stupid. Despite all the corruption charges that fat lady Jaya still won the election. Lalloo is almost unfeatable... criminals are well regarded in the society. Public services are degrading, no infrastructure.... yet it makes people happy when the name of city is changed.....
SPAM : Only

I come across people like you everyday who think the British
did us more good than bad by imparting knowledge of English
and cricket to us. Wow! You are trying to justify the British
occupation of India. That makes you a traitor. No?

Are you saying that we are going to take on the world because
we know English. Heck. The chinese and Japanese know nothing
of English and yet they are great countries. The German the
French they take pride in their own language and speak only
that. They don't need English to make them great.

This debate can go on and on. I still think the British did only
harm to us. Learning English is part of the game to do business
world wide. Everybody has to learn it. It does not matter whether
you are chinese or korean or german. You have to know English.
Period. Because its the language of the world. But don't tell
me we have an advantage over the Chinese because the English
ruled over us. We are not even close to China and its economy
with all that stupid advantage.

And its not English that got me here. I just happen to have lot
of kilos packed in above my neck.

Its easy to blame the politicians and put all the blame on them.
But remember that Politicians don't always run the country. Lot
of IAS officers who come from institutions like IITs do. And that stupid government has indeed managed put in place a great
education system in the country. Hasn't it? Now how did we
become so good at software? I paid 100$ total in fees for 4
years of Engineering at top notch institute. Heck I had 10 times
more scholarship every year than what I paid in fees for four
year. So just don't say things don't work in India. Politicians are
bad everywhere. That is why you are on this stupid forum
thanks to politicians in USA.

We shouldn't be building satellites or nuclear bombs if we have
40 million hungry kids. But certain things we do for national pride.
The cost may be high but you have to do it. That is why we are
working in hi-tech. We should be really toiling in the field if your
argument holds.

You know what the problem is with every Indian here? We don't
have pride in what we do or where we come from and our
country. Everyone says stupid things about India and thats just
makes us a big joke in the eyes of people from other nationalities.

Its time we said some good things about India and developed
some pride.

This argument is never ending. I will stop here since this does not
relate to this forum in anyway. No more posts from me. But just
could not resist saying what I had to say.

No offense, just a simple rebuttal of your points:

1. I never claimed that the British did us more good than bad, my point was that Bombay was developed because of the British. And you haven't disproved my point.

2. As far as Technology is concerned, they were the ones that bought guns/railroads and a uniform impartial judiciary. It is not that they did everything right, but do be fair enough to see the good as well as bad.

3. My comment about English was just to explain one of desi-bartender's points about how English is bad as compared to Hindi. As far as comparing India to Japan, China or Germany for the matter of fact, you are comparing apples to oranges. The countries you talk about have NONE of the inherent problems that India faces like multiple cultures within the same county. There are more distinct languages spoken in India than in entire Europe. We are a very diverse bunch of people who have come together to form a nation. And we need a common language using which we can all communicate! That langauge was English. Besides for YOUR kind information, the coutries that spend the MOST on learning English are Japan and South Korea (which you have on your list of countries that are great), would you believe that they actually spend more money than the US or England itself?

The only reason India is where it is today is because of the educational system and the software revolution, go back 15 years and you will see we were absolutely no where in the global economic scale dispite our knowledge of English. It was just when the global situation changed that knowing English became such a major advantage, why do you think China hasn't eaten our lunch already? Why are call centers moving to India and not China? The only reason for which is the abundance of English speaking natives in India. Can you deny the fact that more people speak English in India than China? And what is the reason for that?

I see people like you all the time, with absolutely no objectivity and total jingoism. There is no harm in praising something that has done good for us. And that does not imply tacit approval for the entire situation. That particular situation happened, whether you like it or NOT! So it is better to learn the lessons absorb the best, discard the rest and move on.

Wow! You are trying to justify the British occupation of India. That makes you a traitor. No?

NO! That sounded like George Bush when he says if you are against war with Iraq you are supporting terrorists and are a traitor. :)
British developed Mumbai for their own benefit. It was a port.
They built a port here. Not a very good one too. We did much
better recently at Nhava Sheva. But you wouldn't know anything
about that would you? Its not like the Indians would never be
able to make their own trains, cars , computers or roads if the
British would have not come to screw us. Are you implying that?

The British sure bought lot of guns. And they built railroad so
that they can take it all over India to kill people. Remember that
they killed lot of our people.

And what I am saying is that the Chinese , Russians, Japanese,
Germans did not need English to make the progress that they
did. They just did everything in their language.

Just because call centers are coming to India means nothing.
Remember they are also going to Phillipines, Thailand etc.
Don't think for a moment that China is not going to steal your
lunch. Just wait and watch. Its just English. How hard it can be.

To be a great nation we did not need English and certainly
not the British. Who knows? We could have been a rich and
powerful country without them.

Yes we have different languages and cultures but dude we don't
need English to bond us together. We already have a good
national language. Its called Hindi. But an ignorant fool would not know that would he?

You can lick the British ass all you want and oppose all the name
changes but I will have none of it. Change is good. I fully support
the name changes. People like u will bark all they want. But we
will have our country back. No matter what this costs.
And I was thinking that this thread was about changing a person's name on his birth certificate, and not that of a city.

Could we get back to the real issues? Maybe you guys can find some other forum or start a new thread (remember to label it SPAM) to carry on the Bombay vs Mumbai dialog (or should it be dialogue, pun intended here).

