Entered with payrole and finger printing?


Registered Users (C)
I recently travelled with Advance Parole and they took us (myself & my wife) to secondary verification room.

After verifying the documents they took the photos, Finger prints of index fingers (for both hands), for both of us.

One of my friend is telling that means we had our finger printing done? Is that correct?

If you get your finger print requst do they take the sample of all the fingers/ or Only index fingers?

Please let me know just want to know
does entering with parole and if they take finger prints into their system at port of entry means finger printing is done???

Thanks in advance
During FP, they take the sample of all fingers. Once with all 4 fingers on the screen and then each finger individually (along with the thumb).

Since you did only your index finger, may be your FP is not done! Hey anyways, you never know with all the crazy stuf happening with TSC!! Good Luck.