End of Bachelors EQUIVALENT Issue

Bachelors - foreign EQUIVALENT degree issue

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We are noticing issue on Bachelors EQUIVALENT in Fast couple of years.

Is there any END for this issue??

1000’s of people filed appeals but there is no single POSITIVE decision from AAU. This forum noticed only one realistic case approval for user United Nations (UN) , Kathik Cases in Service center in year 2003 NOT in AAU. Number of people talking about lawsuits but never had seen any success full stories.

Please post your ideas.

Is any one filed case in District Courts?

Number of Attorneys discussed about Lawsuits on Bachelors EQUIVALENT Issue. But none reported success.

Any one noticed any success in lawsuits on the NSC educational Issue similar to this?

If any one looking for Solution ..Please vote and add commets.
I got emails with some possiable solutions on this. I will post these in this weekend.

Requesting all to post all commets and ideas will help this community- Please
"Is any one filed case in District Courts?"

--Each country has its own education system and academic curriculum for bachelor's degrees.Not to mention the variation in academic duration. 2-year bachelor's , 3-year, 4-year....5-year...etc.,

Regardless of who we are , where we come from and what degrees we hold, we are seeking permanent residency in US. Specifically competing against US citizens. It is lucid, appropriate and very sensible for them to demand that our degrees match upto their standard 4-year university degree in US.

If we dont, we better look for other categories in which a job doesnt require a degree at all. If we have a combination degree and request USCIS to approve it by considering the combo as on par with US degree, then we are asking them to apply discretion. This is gray area and discretion varies from case to case.

However, RFE language used so far has been very inconsistent wrt to I-140.Do we challenge them and correct their grammar? They seem to be bent upon applying discretion primarily toward negative outcome.

"Number of Attorneys discussed about Lawsuits on Bachelors EQUIVALENT Issue. But none reported success. "

--This is because each case is different and they need one uniform ground to build a case upon. USCIS can always evade stating that each case is different and they cannot come up with a uniform policy on this.

"If any one looking for Solution ..Please vote and add commets."

--It would be nice if a group of victims on this issue could request USCIS collectively. Request would be to define in clear terms that no degree without 4-year academic duration would be accepted if the job requirement mentions that a degree is a minimum requirement.

* Have a cut off date to implement this.

* Mercifully consider all the old cases, wherein, people have waited for many years , spent a lot of money and eventually came to realize the I-140 denial. Consideration would be to let them correct the errors in the way case is petitioned and approve it under appropriate category. This would spare them from having to go back and stand in the line of GC process again. Denying a case outright and letting them hang in the middle when they have gone past 6 years of h1b period sounds too harsh.

Solutions- who are facing problem with 3 year degree in NSC

1) Use combination word in education equivalency are colum 14/15.
A0001 said:
Solutions- who are facing problem with 3 year degree in NSC

1) Use combination word in education equivalency are colum 14/15.

This is possible for people who haven't started their LC process yet. Is this possible for people who already have their LC approved also?
Waiting For I-140 Solution

anilt75 said:
"Is any one filed case in District Courts?"

--Each country has its own education system and academic curriculum for bachelor's degrees.Not to mention the variation in academic duration. 2-year bachelor's , 3-year, 4-year....5-year...etc.,

Regardless of who we are , where we come from and what degrees we hold, we are seeking permanent residency in US. Specifically competing against US citizens. It is lucid, appropriate and very sensible for them to demand that our degrees match upto their standard 4-year university degree in US.

If we dont, we better look for other categories in which a job doesnt require a degree at all. If we have a combination degree and request USCIS to approve it by considering the combo as on par with US degree, then we are asking them to apply discretion. This is gray area and discretion varies from case to case.

However, RFE language used so far has been very inconsistent wrt to I-140.Do we challenge them and correct their grammar? They seem to be bent upon applying discretion primarily toward negative outcome.

"Number of Attorneys discussed about Lawsuits on Bachelors EQUIVALENT Issue. But none reported success. "

--This is because each case is different and they need one uniform ground to build a case upon. USCIS can always evade stating that each case is different and they cannot come up with a uniform policy on this.

"If any one looking for Solution ..Please vote and add commets."

--It would be nice if a group of victims on this issue could request USCIS collectively. Request would be to define in clear terms that no degree without 4-year academic duration would be accepted if the job requirement mentions that a degree is a minimum requirement.

* Have a cut off date to implement this.

* Mercifully consider all the old cases, wherein, people have waited for many years , spent a lot of money and eventually came to realize the I-140 denial. Consideration would be to let them correct the errors in the way case is petitioned and approve it under appropriate category. This would spare them from having to go back and stand in the line of GC process again. Denying a case outright and letting them hang in the middle when they have gone past 6 years of h1b period sounds too harsh.


A0001 said:
We are noticing issue on Bachelors EQUIVALENT in Fast couple of years.

Is there any END for this issue??

1000’s of people filed appeals but there is no single POSITIVE decision from AAU. This forum noticed only one realistic case approval for user United Nations (UN) , Kathik Cases in Service center in year 2003 NOT in AAU. Number of people talking about lawsuits but never had seen any success full stories.

Please post your ideas.

Is any one filed case in District Courts?

Number of Attorneys discussed about Lawsuits on Bachelors EQUIVALENT Issue. But none reported success.

Any one noticed any success in lawsuits on the NSC educational Issue similar to this?

If any one looking for Solution ..Please vote and add commets.

3-Year degree from India is not equivalent to 4-Year US Degree in most cases.
hebron said:
This is possible for people who haven't started their LC process yet. Is this possible for people who already have their LC approved also?

If word "combination" is missing from LC then sorry Hard Luck. Nothing much can be done now.
I agree we should do something. It is so ridiculous where UCIS wants the entire world education to follow US standards. Countries which were under British rule follow the british education system; like India, Singapore, Malaysia, etc., where B.Sc are 3 yr degree programs. Perhaps we can form a task force and collectively voice to some politically group or someone who can make changes to UCIS education wording in I140/485 process. This will help current applicant awaiting approval and future applicants. Any ideas?