employment question on N-400


New Member
On the past 5 yr employers information section part 6 B.
I have an 8 month period in those 5 yrs when I was unemployed (laid off) and collecting unemployment benefits. How do I show that information on there?
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Whatever makes sense. I could see you just ignoring it, or putting "unemployed".

It's not like a Resume you show a prospective employer, it's there (as I understand it) to help them check your background.

Does it say anything in the instructions or the Guide aobut it?
use "None"...

for employer name...and put the dates, if u like. Like FlyDog said..no1 cares...about this as much as ur criminal background.


I am in similar situation but I am thinking of only showing the time when I was employed. I do not think unemployed period should be shown. In the instructions they say report where you were employed. If you were not employed you dont have to show.

Hope this helps.
I only filled in dates when I was employed, and therefore left gaps when I wasn't employed. No problem....
dates for employment

Hi Botbod,

Did you enter the exact dates in dd/mm/yyyy format or mm/yyyy format.

I am not sure with the exact dates..e.g for one company I dont remember if it was 11/01 or 11/08. Is it ok if I put just mm/yyyy?
what is your experience?

Thanks in advance