Employment letter

Rajkumar Thirumalainambi

Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

I received an RFE for employment verification letter. My employer is not willing to provide an employment letter. How can I prove to BCIS? What are the options? I greatly appreciate gurus suggestions.

Roger:confused: :mad:

If U are still employed, I fail to understand why ur employer is refusing to acknowledge it.

Employment verification letter hust has to state that U r employed with them and ur role and salary matches ur labor cert.

Just speak to them..:confused:
The current employment verification is a minor part of the EVL RFE, the major part being employer's statement that they WILL employ the employee in question after the GC is approved.

As a last option I would get my manager to give me a letter on a letterhead (instead of getting it from the HR) stating that you report to him and combine this with the latest paystubs.

EVL is reqd for other immigration matters like sponsoring a visitor etc. Your HR is required to give you a EVL. Strange.

good luck...