Employment Letter


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I read the employment letter posts, there are a lot of them also with sample letter formats. The employment letter that I received, however, is way different. I am not sure if it is OK. Just take a look and give your comments. It is four page long letter with following items:

To whom it may concern
XXX was previously the beneficiary of an approved I-140 Petition for Immigrant Status, as a member of the professions with an advanced degree. The job offer of Software Engineer is still open and available to XXX. The current offered salary is $$$.
The Company: <<Talks about company 1 paragraph>>
Talks about the company takeover - two paragraphs, wholly owned subsidiary blah blah..

Alien Labor Certification:
Talks about labor certificate previously filed and certified by labor department.

The Beneficiary's Position:
XXX is being offered employment by the petitioner in the position Software Engineer.
Minimum Educational Experience: <<sub heading>> Talks in detail about the degree and experiece required for the position.
Duties: <<sub Heading>> Talks about the duties, I think they are same as advertized for labor certificate and obviously match what I do.
Beneficiaries Work Experiece:
Education:<<sub Heading>> my education
Experience:<<sub heading>> Talks at length about my experience.

XXX meets the minimum requirements for the Software Engineer position.
Based upon the submitted documents, it is clear that XXX qualifies for immigrant status as a member of the professions with an advanced degree. Thank you for your consideration.
<<End of the letter with signature.>>

Now, this letter speaks in detail about things that are beyond the scope of an offer letter such as experience required for the job, my own education and experiece and more importantly it highlights the statement high professional degree at a number of places. There is a conclusion section that states I qualify for immigrant status, I think that is for the consulate to decide.
I am not sure if it will work. Or am I being too nosy. Please let me know how you people think about this.
rajeshksh said:
Could Raju or someone give me your comments on the format of this employment letter.

From what you wrote the letter does contain the important points:

a) That the position is still open and being offered to you.
b) The proposed salary

It would be good if there is a mention of the position being a 'permanent' one.

Apart from this it contains lot of unnecessary stuff which could be boring
to read through.

If there is no possibility of toning it down, then you have no option but carry it as it is.

I don't see any problem because of these contents.
