Employment history questions


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Hi everyone,

I am applying under "Skilled Worker" category. While I am filling out application, I notice that the paperwork requirement for "Employment History" is quite stringent:

1. Employment Contracts. I have had several positions with large and small US companies, but I never had a contract with them. What should I submit then?

2. Reference letters... Official company seal is required. But US companies usually just have HR official's signature. Is that enough? Signing person's business card is also needed, is it OK just to list his contact information at the bottom of the letter?

3. ...from past and present employers. One of my past employers was a start-up company in Silicon Valley. The comany went bust and no longer exist. It is quite difficult to find former company officials. How should I present this?

4. Non-paid period. I was not paid back in 2001 due to IT market conditions, but i stayed legally in US. what should i do in this case? Can I still count that as legally employed though?

Please provide some input. Thanks a lot!

Hi Vijay..
I beleive you will have your W2's from 2001. You can submit these. The employment details are required to calculate points to fit you within <4 yrs and >4 yrs fulltime related to your job category. So be sincere and show who ever you can get letters from.... and yes.. you can have a letter from your company's letter head signed by HR or anyone with all the contact details. I did like that.
As long as you can show fulltime job details for 4 years, you will get the max points in that. So gather up whatever you have and submit and provide explanation on why you cant show the rest.
Good Luck.