Employment eligibility question!


Registered Users (C)
When the GC stamping in the passport expires, will I lose the eligibility to work? Still I am waiting for the plastic card..do I need to get 2nd stamping to work?

AD: April 2003.
Stamped: 4th May 2003.
Originally posted by LayedOff_GC_Guy
When the GC stamping in the passport expires, will I lose the eligibility to work? Still I am waiting for the plastic card..do I need to get 2nd stamping to work?

AD: April 2003.
Stamped: 4th May 2003.

No, you can just use your Drivers license and SS card to prove work authorization. You are a permanent resident and the stamp expiration does not change that.

Having said that, if you had shown your temporary stamp as evidence for I-9, your employer may ask you to reverify your status after the stamp's expiration. In that case simply use a combination of Drivers license and original SS card (the SS card should not have the employment related restrictive phrase) to prove employment authorization.

The employer cannot ask for a specific document, you are free to submit any document(s) that meet the requirement of I-9.