Employment contract- advice


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Need your advice
My employer problem started again, my emploter and middle junk sued each other for breach of contract. here's the full story

A-Employer , b- middle junk, C- middle junk, D- client

I was employer by 'A' and in dec 2002 i started working for A->B->C->D (client). i signed non-solicitation for 'B' while joing 'D' and for first 2 months B billed me directly using my EAD and then he billied to A and A paid me for other 4 months...then i joined 'D' as fill time(filed AC21)... C,B created problem by showing NON-Solicitation so legally 'D' paid 'C' and 'C' issued letter saying they are satified with my placement in 'D'....done...

'B' is yet to pay 'A' 2 months of my last billing, A- is yet to pay my last bill..

Now they are having hearing on 08/04
will i be afftected in any way? because A- called me to attend hearing and to say in court that "i was not placed in client by 'A' "
what i am supposed to do...

I got my GC approved last month and PP stamped..