Employment authorization card renewal.


New Member
Hello everyone, a bit of a complicated story but hoping to get some help from this amazing formum.

My wife didn’t renew her employment authorization card before expiring because she was pregnant (high risk), so she wasn’t planing on working for a wile and also we were super short on money.

We try to renew it last February (Texas) but we put something wrong on the application and they send it back. We try it again and we decide to do it online because we thought it will faster and it was easier. After a few weeks we notice that the case was sent to “Nebraska” and their times are 14.5 months. We check that the times at Texas are 2.5 months.

My big question is, can I submit a new application and sent it to the Texas office since it is way quicker? We don’t mind paying the fees again. I just want to make sure it’s worth it and it won’t bring any other issues since we will have two application at the same time in two different offices.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

(We try to expedite the application but because she let her previous expired she won’t qualify)